CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows
User’s Guide
Version 1
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows
User’s Guide
Version 1
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices”
on page ix.
Second Edition (October 1994)
This edition applies to Version 1.0.2 of IBM CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows, Program Number 5871-AAA (Part
Number 87G7210), IBM CallPath CallCoordinator/2 Server, Part Number 03H3625, and IBM CallPath
CallCoordinator/2 Archive, Part Number 03H3626, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise
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Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trademarks and Service Marks
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About This Book
Who Should Use This Book
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Use This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
How This Book is Organized
Highlighting Conventions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
What’s New in This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Where to Find More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Chapter 1. Introducing CallCoordinator for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What Is CallCoordinator for Windows? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CallCoordinator for Windows Features
Customized CallCoordinator for Windows Features
How CallCoordinator for Windows Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2. Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
How to Start CallCoordinator for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window
Pushbuttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Menu Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Comment Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Making Selections in CallCoordinator for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Making Selections Using Your Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Making Selections Using Your Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Managing Windows in CallCoordinator for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Moving the CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window
Closing a Window in CallCoordinator for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Displaying System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Selecting the CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Displaying the CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window on Inbound Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Getting Help Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Getting Help from CallCoordinator for Windows
Getting Help from Your System Administrator
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Exiting CallCoordinator for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Using CallCoordinator for Windows to Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Using Windows to Exit
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How to Select a Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
How to Access the Telephone Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Using the Pushbuttons
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
Using the Actions Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
How to Log on to Your Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
How to Indicate Your Activity Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
How to Make Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Dialing a Number
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Searching the Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Keeping the Dial Pad Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Selecting a Directory
Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Dial Pad Window
Updating Entries in Your Personal Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Selecting a HAT Table for Making Outbound Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Using Other Features after Dialing a Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Using the Notes Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
How to Answer Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Using Other Features after Answering a Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Using the Notes Feature
How to Transfer Calls and Data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Transferring Calls and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Selecting Your Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Transfer Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Updating Entries in Your Personal Directory
How to Set Up Three-Way Conference Calls
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Setting Up Three-Way Conference Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Selecting Your Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Conference Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Updating Entries in Your Personal Directory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Accessing the Call Log and Personal Directory Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Using the Pushbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Using the Features Pull-Down Menu
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
How to Use the Call Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Enabling the Call Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Opening the Call Log
Opening Notes in the Call Log
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Adding Notes to the Call Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Managing the Call Log Information—Settings Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Using the View, Sort, and Filter Settings Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Controlling Your Call Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
How to Create Your Personal Directory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Adding an Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Updating an Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Removing an Entry
Refreshing the Personal Directory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Displaying Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
iv CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
vi CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
1. Example of CallCoordinator for Windows Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. CallCoordinator for Windows Group Window
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Settings Pull-Down Menu
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Icons Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Icons with Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Buttons with Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Settings Pull-Down Menu
9. Set Color Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
10. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Currently Selected Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
11. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Pushbuttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
12. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
13. Logon/Logoff Window for the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
14. Logon/Logoff Window for the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
15. Activity Window—AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
16. Activity Window—Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
17. Activity Window—ROLM 9751 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
18. CCWin Dial Pad Window
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
19. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu
20. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
21. CCWin Dial Pad Window—HAT Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
22. CCWin Run HAT Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
23. CCWin Notes Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
24. CCWin Notes Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
25. CCWin Transfer Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
26. CCWin Transfer Window—Data Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
27. CCWin Transfer Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
28. CCWin Conference Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
29. CCWin Conference Window—Data Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
30. CCWin Conference Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
31. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Call Log Pushbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
32. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Features Pull-down Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
33. Enabling the Call Log
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
34. CCWin Call Log Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
35. Log Settings Window
36. Log Settings View Folder
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
37. Log Settings Sort Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
38. Log Settings Filter Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
39. Call Log Filter Type Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
40. Call Log Filter Date Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
41. Call Log Filter Time Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
42. Call Log Filter Party Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
43. Call Log Filter Phone Number Box
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
44. Call Log Filter Notes Box
45. Log Settings Overflow Folder
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
46. Log Settings Toolbar Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
47. Call Log—No Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
48. Call Log Toolbar—Icons and Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
49. Call Log Toolbar—Icons Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
50. Call Log Toolbar—Text Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
51. Pushbuttons for Controlling the Call Log
52. CCWin Personal Directory Window
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
viii CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
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Meridian 1
Owned By
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Northern Telecom Ltd.
Microsoft Corporation
ROLM Systems
Microsoft Corporation
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
About This Book
This book describes how to use IBM CallPath* CallCoordinator* for Windows to make, answer, transfer,
and set up three-way conference calls from your Windows-based computer. This book also describes
how to use the Call Log and Personal Directory features in CallCoordinator for Windows.
Note: In the remainder of this book, references to IBM CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows are abbre-
viated to “CallCoordinator for Windows.”
CallCoordinator for Windows runs under the Microsoft** Windows** 3.1 operating system. To use
CallCoordinator for Windows, you should know how to work in the Windows environment. If you are not
familiar with Windows, read the appropriate Windows documentation.
Who Should Use This Book
This book is for anyone who works with customers and clients over the telephone. Typical users of
CallCoordinator for Windows include agents who handle billing, order, and claim inquiries, as well as
catalog sales personnel, insurance and brokerage professionals, medical office personnel, and so on.
Note: The term “agent” is used generically in this book to refer to any user of this product.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
How to Use This Book
This book describes how to use the CallCoordinator for Windows telephone, Call Log, and Personal
Directory features.
How This Book is Organized
This book has the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introducing CallCoordinator for Windows,” briefly describes CallCoordinator for Windows.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started,” explains what you should know about CallCoordinator for Windows
before using it.
Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” describes how to use the CallCoordinator for Windows
telephone features.
Chapter 4, “Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory,” describes how to use the Call
Log and Personal Directory features.
Highlighting Conventions
The following highlighting conventions are used in this book:
Identifies the following types of information:
Directory names
Information that you should type as shown
Keys that you should press
Bold Italic
Identifies new terms defined in the text and in the glossary
Identifies output examples, including the following:
Messages from the system
Specific data values
Text displayed in windows
xii CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
What’s New in This Book
CallCoordinator for Windows Version 1.0.2 has new features. The following are described in this book:
Multiline capability, which enables CallCoordinator for Windows to work with up to four lines on a
telephone set
Directory search capability, which enables alphabetical searches of directory information
Switch logon and logoff capability, which enables agents to log on and log off supported switches
Agent status indication capability, which enables agents to indicate their status (for example,
Target screen popup, which enables agents to accept or decline incoming data transfers
About This Book xiii
Where to Find More Information
For additional information about CallCoordinator for Windows, see CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows
System Administrator’s Guide (SC31-6255).
CallCoordinator for Windows requires the IBM CallPath CallCoordinator/2* Server product. For informa-
tion about the IBM CallPath CallCoordinator/2 Server and other IBM CallCoordinator/2 products, see the
following publications:
CallPath CallCoordinator for OS/2 and Windows General Information (GC22-0074)
CallPath CallCoordinator/2 System Administrator’s Guide (SC22-0076)
CallPath CallCoordinator/2 User’s Guide (SC22-0075)
CallPath CallCoordinator/2 Quick Reference Card (SC22-0079)
CallPath CallCoordinator/2 Server System Administrator’s Guide (SC22-0077)
CallPath CallCoordinator/2 Archive System Administrator’s Guide (SC22-0078)
CallPath CallCoordinator/2 Messages (SC30-3620)
xiv CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Chapter 1. Introducing CallCoordinator for Windows
This chapter introduces the features available in IBM CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows, which
consist of its telephone capability, Call Log, and Personal Directory. This chapter also lists some addi-
tional features that may be available to you, such as intelligent answering, if this product is customized
for your business. Finally, this chapter describes how Host Application Transaction (HAT) files are used
by your system administrator to provide the additional features.
Note: In the remainder of this book, references to IBM CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows are abbre-
viated to “CallCoordinator for Windows.”
What Is CallCoordinator for Windows?
CallCoordinator for Windows is a call-management product that can help you handle customer calls more
quickly and efficiently. It provides a set of telephone features that you can use conveniently from your
Windows-based computer to make, answer, and transfer calls, and to set up conference calls. You can
use these features with up to four lines on your telephone set. CallCoordinator for Windows also pro-
vides a Call Log for tracking your calls, and electronic telephone directories for enabling faster call han-
Through CallCoordinator for Windows, you may also have one or more additional features that further
enhance your ability to give improved service to your callers. Which additional features you have
depends on how your system administrator customized this product for your business. For example,
CallCoordinator for Windows can provide the following additional features:
Intelligent answering, which enables you to have a caller's account record displayed on your screen
at the same time you answer the call
Coordinated voice and data transfer, which enables you to transfer both the call and the caller’s
data to another agent
QuickKeys, which enable you to automate many of your keyboard operations
CallCoordinator for Windows Features
CallCoordinator for Windows provides a telephone capability that you can use right from your Windows-
based computer, including a Note Pad feature that enables you to take notes while on a call. It also
provides a Call Log that collects call data for you, and a Personal Directory feature for faster handling of
customer calls.
Telephone Features: CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to use your computer as if it were
a telephone, while you continue to use your computer as you normally do in your job. You can, for
example, answer, dial, and transfer calls using the CallCoordinator for Windows pushbuttons. Some
pushbuttons immediately execute a telephone function, such as the Answer and Hold pushbuttons.
Other pushbuttons open a window from which you access the telephone function, such as the Dial push-
button which opens the CCWin Dial Pad window. From the CCWin Dial Pad window, you can dial a
number, select the number from a directory, select and update a directory, and select a HAT table.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
You can use the CallCoordinator for Windows telephone features from any of the telephone lines on your
set (four is the limit). Through CallCoordinator for Windows, you can also log on and log off your tele-
phone system switch, and indicate your activity status—just as you currently do from your telephone set.
See Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” for instructions on using all of the CallCoordinator for
Windows telephone features.
Notes Feature: CallCoordinator for Windows provides a note pad feature that enables you to take
notes while on the telephone with a caller. Your notes are stored by CallCoordinator for Windows and
easily retrieved through the Call Log.
See “Using the Notes Feature” on page 41 for instructions on using the CallCoordinator for Windows
Notes feature.
Call Log Feature: CallCoordinator for Windows provides a Call Log feature that collects data
about the calls you made, received, or missed. The data it collects includes the date and time of the call,
who the caller or called party was, the phone number, and the duration of the call. The Call Log also
indicates if you made any notes for the call. You can manage the Call Log data by, for example, sorting,
filtering, and printing it.
See “How to Use the Call Log” on page 63 for instructions on using this feature.
Personal Directory Feature: CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to set up your own per-
sonal (electronic) telephone directory. Called the Personal Directory, this feature simplifies making out-
bound calls to customers, as well as transferring calls to other agents and setting up three-way
conference calls.
See “How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 for instructions on creating and maintaining
your Personal Directory. See Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” for instructions on using your
Personal Directory when making, transferring, and setting up three-way conference calls.
Customized CallCoordinator for Windows Features
Your system administrator can customize CallCoordinator for Windows so that you have available one or
more of the following additional features:
Intelligent answering
Coordinated voice and data transfer
Access to a system directory
These features are intended to enhance your call handling capability and your access to the computer
applications you use in your business—such as applications for handling sales calls, service calls, and so
Intelligent Answering: When your phone rings, CallCoordinator for Windows can automatically
retrieve the caller’s account data from your business database and instantly display it in your
window—even before you answer the call. This is called intelligent answering. You do not have to ask
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
for an account number or the spelling of a name. You simply press the Answer pushbutton to answer
the call; the data is already displayed.
This feature may be available to you on each telephone line that you have (up to four) if your system
administrator customized CallCoordinator for Windows to provide this capability. For example, if you
have access to four lines, account data can be displayed for the call on each line. (Check with your
system administrator about your setup.)
Similarly, CallCoordinator for Windows can automatically display a customer’s account data when you dial
the customer’s number. This enables you to have the data in your window immediately for every out-
bound customer call you make. See “Selecting a HAT Table for Making Outbound Calls” on page 39 for
more information about this capability.
Check with your system administrator to see if intelligent answering is implemented in your business.
Coordinated Voice and Data Transfer: When you transfer a call to another agent, you can
cause the customer’s account data displayed on your screen to appear on the other agent’s screen. The
data that the other agent receives is a read-only form of it, that is, the other agent cannot make changes
to it. (Along with the screen image, you can also transfer the customer’s ID, and any comment that you
want to make to the other agent.) This feature, called coordinated voice and data transfer, comes with
CallCoordinator for Windows. Additionally, depending on how CallCoordinator for Windows is customized
in your business, you may also have the ability to transfer data in a form that the other agent can update.
Check with your system administrator to see if this capability is implemented.
You can also perform a coordinated voice and data transfer when setting up a three-way conference call.
You and your co-worker are then able to talk to the customer and look at the same customer data
See “How to Transfer Calls and Data” on page 46 and “How to Set Up Three-Way Conference Calls” on
page 53 for more information about coordinated voice and data transfers.
Faster Keyboard Operation through QuickKeys: QuickKeys are key combinations (Alt
plus another key) that execute the steps in one keystroke that you usually do one at a time. For
example, you can perform your entire logon by pressing a QuickKey combination. Similarly, you can
move from one screen (such as a customer’s billing record) to another (such as an order screen) more
quickly and without data-entry mistakes by using QuickKeys.
QuickKey combinations are created by your system administrator. If this feature is implemented in your
business, see your system administrator for a list of the QuickKeys and their functions, and for
instructions on using them.
Access to a System Directory: Your system administrator has probably made available a
system directory for your use with CallCoordinator for Windows. System directories usually contain the
names and numbers of all parties and entities that your company does business with—for example, cus-
tomers, suppliers, service providers, and so on. If a system directory is available to you, CallCoordinator
for Windows can automatically dial any number in it for you.
Chapter 1. Introducing CallCoordinator for Windows
Note: Your business may have several different system directories. For example, one might be a
mailing list that the system administrator makes available to you during certain seasons. For information
about the system directory, see your system administrator.
See Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” for instructions on selecting and using system directo-
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How CallCoordinator for Windows Works
Figure 1 shows a typical environment that is configured for call handling with CallCoordinator for
Windows. The agents are equipped with computers that have CallCoordinator for Windows installed on
CallCoordinator for Windows
CallCoordinator for Windows
Figure 1. Example of CallCoordinator for Windows Environment
CallCoordinator for Windows Environment: As shown in Figure 1, CallCoordinator for
Windows runs on personal computers connected to a local area network (LAN).
The telephone system switch provides the call processing functions for your telephone.
CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to use those functions from your computer.
The telephone system switch can also provide information about each caller (such as the caller’s
telephone number) that calls your business. CallCoordinator for Windows can use that information
as a key in finding the caller’s account data in your business database.
The business database has the programs and data (your customers’ account information) that your
business uses.
The LAN provides the means to pass data between you and the business database, and you and the
other agents.
Host Application Transaction Files: Host Application Transaction (HAT) files are special
files developed by your system administrator to customize CallCoordinator for Windows for your business.
They are the means by which your system administrator can implement the additional CallCoordinator for
Windows features, such as intelligent answering, coordinated voice and data transfer, and QuickKeys.
HAT files, which are made up of HAT tables, contain the instructions that direct CallCoordinator for
Windows to provide these additional features.
Chapter 1. Introducing CallCoordinator for Windows
For example, your system administrator can create a HAT table to provide the intelligent answering
feature for you. The HAT table instructs CallCoordinator for Windows to do the following when your
telephone rings:
Access your business database.
Locate the caller’s account data there.
Display the account data on your screen.
The HAT table contains the instructions that CallCoordinator for Windows follows to do all of this,
including processing the caller information provided by your telephone system switch. (Typically, the
switch provides the caller’s telephone number.) You can have this feature on each line available to you
(up to four).
Your system administrator can also create a HAT table to give you a feature similar to intelligent
answering, but which activates when you make outbound calls. For example, when you dial a customer’s
number, CallCoordinator for Windows (by executing the instructions in the table) can display the
customer’s account data on your screen at the same time. It is in front of you before the customer
answers your call.
QuickKeys are also created as tables in a HAT file.
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Chapter 2. Getting Started
This chapter describes what you should know about CallCoordinator for Windows before you begin to use
How to Start CallCoordinator for Windows
CallCoordinator for Windows is already installed on your computer by your system administrator. The
installation process is described in CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows System Administrator’s Guide.
To start CallCoordinator for Windows, do the following:
1. Start your Windows session.
2. Click on the CallCoordinator for Windows icon in the Program Manager window, or press the
Ctrl+Tab key combination to select the icon, and press Enter.
The CallCoordinator for Windows group window appears, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. CallCoordinator for Windows Group Window
3. Double-click on CCWin System, or using the arrow keys, move to the icon, and press Enter.
The CallCoordinator for Windows main window appears, as shown in Figure 3 on page 8. (Figure 3 on
page 8 shows CallCoordinator for Windows configured with four lines.)
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
Figure 3. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window
To help you get started, the rest of this chapter describes how to perform some basic Windows oper-
ations in CallCoordinator for Windows. Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” provides the
instructions for using all of the telephone features in CallCoordinator for Windows. Chapter 4, “Using the
Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory,” provides the instructions for using the Call Log and Per-
sonal Directory features.
Note: If you want CallCoordinator for Windows to start each time you start Windows, do the following:
1. Click on Window on the Program Manager menu bar.
2. Double-click on StartUp.
The StartUp window appears.
3. Highlight the CallCoordinator for Windows icon, and drag it into the StartUp window by
holding down the left mouse button.
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window
As shown in Figure 3 on page 8, the CallCoordinator for Windows main window has a menu bar and a
row of pushbuttons. The telephone features are used in the same way whether you access them from
the pushbuttons or from the menu bar.
The main window also includes a status line, next to a telephone icon, for displaying messages (such as
The Line is Idle) and a comment line for displaying comments.
If you have more than one line on your telephone set, the corresponding number of telephone icons are
displayed (up to four) if your system administrator configured your computer for that number. For
example, if you have four lines, and your system administrator configured all four, your CallCoordinator
for Windows main window will show four telephone icons. See “Status Messages” on page 10 and
“Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons” on page 21 for more information about the icons.
The row of pushbuttons makes available the basic telephone features such as Dial, Answer, Transfer,
and so on, as well as the Call Log and Notes features.
Menu Bar
The menu bar has the following pull-down menus: Actions, Features, Settings, and Help.
The Actions pull-down menu makes available the telephone features.
See Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features,” for instructions.
The Features pull-down menu makes available the following items:
Log on and agent activity control (if your telephone system switch supports these functions); see
“How to Log on to Your Switch” on page 30 and “How to Indicate Your Activity Status” on
page 32, respectively, for instructions.
Note Pad; see “Using the Notes Feature” on page 41 for instructions.
Call Log; see “How to Use the Call Log” on page 63 for instructions.
Personal Directory; see “How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 for instructions.
The Settings pull-down menu makes available the following items:
Displaying system messages; see “Displaying System Messages” on page 16 for instructions.
Screen settings; see “Selecting the CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode” on page 17 for
Displaying the CallCoordinator for Windows main window for inbound calls; see “Displaying the
CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window on Inbound Calls” on page 20 for instructions.
Color settings for the telephone icons; see “Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons” on
page 21 for instructions.
Chapter 2. Getting Started
The Help pull-down menu makes available information about CallCoordinator for Windows and about
using the Help feature.
See “Getting Help Information” on page 23 for instructions.
Status Messages
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a brief message whenever a telephone event takes place. The
message appears next to the telephone icon for the affected line. For example, if a call comes in to you
on line 3456, CallCoordinator for Windows displays either the name of the caller (Call from Summers
Frank) or the incoming number (Call from 2015551234) next to the icon. When there is no telephone
activity for line 3456, CallCoordinator for Windows displays The Line is Idle.
Additionally, when a telephone event occurs—such as when your telephone rings—the animation and
color of the icon reflect the status. For example, the icon turns to yellow when your telephone rings
(which is the default color for representing an incoming call) and is animated to indicate it is ringing.
When idle, the icon is gray. (See “Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons” on page 21 for
instructions on changing the default colors.)
There is an icon and status message for each telephone line configured for your computer. The line
number is shown immediately below the icon. A checkmark next to the icon also indicates the selected
line. For more information about what status message is displayed and under what conditions, see the
instructions for each telephone feature in Chapter 3, “Using the Telephone Features.”
(You can also display system messages in your CallCoordinator for Windows window. See “Displaying
System Messages” on page 16 for information.)
Comment Line
You can send a comment to another agent when transferring a call, when setting up a three-way confer-
ence call, or any time during a call. You enter the comment using either the CCWin Transfer or CCWin
Conference window. The target agent sees your comment next to the telephone icon on their
CallCoordinator for Windows main window. If the target agent has more than one line, the comment
appears next to the telephone icon for the line they have selected. For example, you can send a
comment to another agent like the following:
Data received from Rhonda
Hi John, this customer wanted to talk to you about his order.
This feature is especially useful in environments with automatic call distribution (ACD) groups. When
making a transfer in such an environment, you can send a comment that may be helpful to the agent
receiving the transfer (the next available agent in the queue), even though the two of you never directly
See “How to Transfer Calls and Data” on page 46 for more information about transferring a comment
using the CCWin Transfer window, and “How to Set Up Three-Way Conference Calls” on page 53 for
more information about transferring a comment using the CCWin Conference window.
10 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Making Selections in CallCoordinator for Windows
You can make selections in CallCoordinator for Windows using your mouse or keyboard.
Making Selections Using Your Mouse
CallCoordinator for Windows selections are presented as pushbuttons, pull-down menu items, radio
buttons, tabs, and checkboxes. In general, do the following to make a selection from a CallCoordinator
for Windows window:
Move the mouse pointer to the selection, and press the left mouse button once.
Opening a Pull-Down Menu: Pull-down menus are selected from CallCoordinator for Windows
menu bars. To open a pull-down menu, do the following:
Click on the selection you want on the menu bar.
The pull-down menu appears.
If the pull-down menu is not the one you want, just click on it again to cancel it, and choose the one you
Selecting from a Pull-Down Menu: To select items from a pull-down menu, do the following:
1. Open the pull-down menu by clicking on it on the menu bar.
The pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on the selection you want.
Using Windows Pushbuttons: CallCoordinator for Windows also uses the basic Windows push-
buttons OK, Cancel, and Help:
Used in place of the Enter key
Used to cancel current entries or changes and return to the previous window
Used to get Help information
To use any of these pushbuttons, click on the one you want.
Canceling a Selection: You can cancel a selection in a window (or any entries that you made in
a window) by clicking on Cancel (or No) before exiting.
For more information about using your mouse to make selections, see your Windows documentation.
Chapter 2. Getting Started 11
Making Selections Using Your Keyboard
You can select a CallCoordinator for Windows pushbutton, pull-down menu item, radio button, or
checkbox using your keyboard. In general, do the following from a CallCoordinator for Windows window:
To move to a selection, use the Tab key or a cursor key.
To activate or execute your selection, press the Enter key.
Opening a Pull-Down Menu: Pull-down menus are selected from CallCoordinator for Windows
menu bars. To open a pull-down menu, do the following:
Simultaneously press the Alt key and the key indicated by the underlined letter of the selection
you want on the menu bar.
The pull-down menu appears.
If the pull-down menu is not the one you want, press the Alt key to cancel it, and choose the one you
Selecting from a Pull-Down Menu: To select items from a pull-down menu, do the following:
1. Open the pull-down menu by pressing the appropriate Alt key combination.
The pull-down menu appears.
2. Using the ↑ or ↓ cursor keys, highlight the selection you want on the pull-down menu, and press
Just press the key indicated by the underlined letter on the pull-down menu.
Using Windows Pushbuttons: To use the basic Windows pushbuttons—OK, Cancel, and
Help—do the following:
Use the Tab key to move to the pushbutton.
Press Enter.
Making Selections Using Control Key Combinations: You can use control key combi-
nations to select telephone features (dial, answer, hang up, transfer, conference, hold, and retrieve)
directly from the CallCoordinator for Windows main window. For example, to display the CCWin Dial Pad
window from the main window, just press Ctrl+D. You can also access the Notes feature in
CallCoordinator for Windows by pressing Ctrl+N.
To see the valid control key combinations in CallCoordinator for Windows, open the Actions pull-down
menu. Control key combinations are formed by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl key and the letter key
indicated by the underlined letter on the Actions pull-down menu.
12 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Canceling a Selection: You can cancel a selection in a window (or any entries that you made in
a window) only by doing the following:
1. Move to Cancel (or No) using the Tab key or a cursor key.
2. Press Enter.
These steps must be done before exiting.
Chapter 2. Getting Started 13
Managing Windows in CallCoordinator for Windows
This section describes how to perform basic operations in CallCoordinator for Windows.
Moving the CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window
You can move the CallCoordinator for Windows main window to any part of your screen. This enables
you to position it so that more of your regular screen is exposed.
Do the following to move the CallCoordinator for Windows main window:
1. Move your mouse pointer to the title bar at the top of the window (where it says CallCoordinator for
2. Click and hold down the mouse button.
3. Drag the window to the location you want and release the mouse button.
The window stays in this location until you move it again or restart CallCoordinator for Windows.
You can move any window in CallCoordinator for Windows using the steps just described.
Closing a Window in CallCoordinator for Windows
You can close a window in CallCoordinator for Windows by using the Windows control menu box or the
exit options in CallCoordinator for Windows.
Using the Windows Control Menu Box: Windows in CallCoordinator for Windows can be
closed by using the Windows control menu box in the upper left-hand corner (it is represented by the
large dash).
Do the following to close a window using your mouse:
Double-click on the control menu box to close the window.
Do the following to close a window using your keyboard:
1. Press Alt+Spacebar.
A pull-down menu appears.
2. Press C or Alt+F4 to close the window.
14 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Using CallCoordinator for Windows Exit Options: Alternatively, you can use exit to close
a window, as follows:
1. Select Actions on the menu bar of any window in CallCoordinator for Windows:
Click on it.
Press Alt+A.
2. Click on Exit or press X.
Chapter 2. Getting Started 15
Displaying System Messages
CallCoordinator for Windows generates messages and stores them in a special file if there are any prob-
lems with its operation. Ordinarily, CallCoordinator for Windows does not display these messages unless
you elect to have them displayed.
Do the following to display system messages:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Settings Pull-Down Menu
2. Click on Display System Messages, or press M.
When you select this option, the pull-down menu disappears (a checkmark appears next to Display
System Messages the next time you open this pull-down menu). The bottom of the CallCoordinator for
Windows main window expands to include a boxed area for displaying any messages.
This setting remains in effect until you change it, using the instructions just described.
16 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Selecting the CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode
When you first start CallCoordinator for Windows, the main window includes a row of pushbuttons with
icons. Below each icon is the text label that describes the feature represented by the icon. This is the
default screen mode for CallCoordinator for Windows—icons with text. You can, if you like, select a
different screen mode. Your choices are as follows:
Icons only (no text), as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Icons Only
Chapter 2. Getting Started 17
Icons with text labels below them (which is the default), as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Icons with Text
Buttons (instead of icons) with text labels, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Mode—Buttons with Text
18 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Do the following to select the screen mode that you prefer:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Screen Settings, or press S.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Screen Settings pull-down menu, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. CallCoordinator for Windows Screen Settings Pull-Down Menu
3. Select one of the following screen modes by clicking on it with your mouse, or by pressing the key
indicated by the underlined letter:
Icons Only (I)
Icons with Text (T)
Buttons with Text (B)
The screen mode remains in effect until you change it. To change it, use the instructions just described.
Chapter 2. Getting Started 19
Displaying the CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window on Inbound Calls
The CallCoordinator for Windows main window normally is in the foreground of your screen. If it is
hidden by other windows when you get a call, the CallCoordinator for Windows main window automat-
ically comes to the foreground. (This enables you to answer the call without having to find the
CallCoordinator for Windows main window.) If you find this distracting, you can disable this feature.
Do the following to prevent the CallCoordinator for Windows main window from coming to the foreground
(on inbound calls) when you are working in another window:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears (shown in Figure 4 on page 16).
2. Click on Display Window When Call is Received, or press W.
When you select this option, the pull-down menu disappears (the checkmark next to Display Window
When Call is Received is no longer there the next time you open this pull-down menu). The
CallCoordinator for Windows main window will not come to the foreground when inbound calls come in
and you are working in another application.
This setting remains in effect until you change it, using the instructions just described.
Note: CallCoordinator for Windows is shipped with the main window coming to the foreground on
inbound calls as the default.
20 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons
Information about your telephone’s status is conveyed to you not only through status messages, but also
through animation of the telephone icon and through its color. For example, when your telephone rings,
the icon looks as if it is ringing, and it also changes to yellow to indicate the ringing state. (Yellow is the
default color.) The colors for the other states are as follows:
Gray represents the Idle state
Green represents the Active state
A red light represents the Held state; the telephone icon is gray
You can change these colors, which are defaults in CallCoordinator for Windows, to those that you prefer
to represent Idle, Ringing, Active, and Held. The colors that you select apply to each line that you have.
(For example, if you have four lines, all the icons will be one color when the lines are idle.)
Do the following to set the colors for the telephone icons:
1. Click on Settings on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window menu bar, or press Alt+S.
The Settings pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Colors, or press C.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Set Color window, as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Set Color Window
Chapter 2. Getting Started 21
This window shows four telephone icons and a color palette. Next to the four icons are the available
activity states (for example, Idle) that you can color-code.
3. Click on the activity state icon that you want to set a color for (for instance, Idle).
4. Click on one of the colors from the color palette.
The icon turns to that color.
5. Click on OK.
For example, if you selected a blue color for the Idle state, your telephone icons on the CallCoordinator
for Windows main window will be blue when your telephone is not being used.
CallCoordinator for Windows saves the colors you select. They remain in effect until you change them,
using the steps just described.
22 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Getting Help Information
You can get Help information about CallCoordinator for Windows through its Help feature or from your
system administrator.
Getting Help from CallCoordinator for Windows
Do the following to access the Help feature:
1. Click on Help on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar or press Alt+H.
The Help pull-down menu appears with the following Help selections:
On Window
Provides a description of the window that is currently opened
Provides a list of the Help topics
Provides a means of searching for a specific topic
Provides information about using the Help system
Provides copyright information
Help On Help
2. Click on the Help topic you want or use the ↑ or ↓ cursor key to highlight the topic, and press Enter.
Do the following to exit a Help topic:
1. Click on File on the menu bar or press Alt+F.
The File pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Exit or press X.
See your Windows documentation for more information on using Help.
Getting Help from Your System Administrator
If you have a problem with any of the CallCoordinator for Windows functions or a question about your
setup, see your system administrator.
Chapter 2. Getting Started 23
Exiting CallCoordinator for Windows
You can exit CallCoordinator for Windows using its exit procedure or the Windows procedure.
Using CallCoordinator for Windows to Exit
Do the following to exit CallCoordinator for Windows using its own procedure:
1. Click on Actions on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar or press Alt+A.
The Actions pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Exit or press X.
A message box appears asking if you want to exit CallCoordinator for Windows.
3. Click on Yes or press Enter to exit.
Using Windows to Exit
Do the following to exit CallCoordinator for Windows using the Windows procedure:
1. Click on the control menu box on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window or press
2. Click on Close or press C or Alt+F4.
A message box appears asking if you want to exit CallCoordinator for Windows.
3. Click on Yes or press Enter to exit.
24 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features
This chapter describes how to use the CallCoordinator for Windows telephone features. It is organized
as follows:
“How to Select a Line” on page 26 describes how to select a line when you have more than one line
configured for you.
“How to Access the Telephone Features” on page 27 describes how to access the telephone fea-
tures from the pushbuttons and menu bar on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
“How to Log on to Your Switch” on page 30 describes how to log on to your telephone system
switch, and “How to Indicate Your Activity Status” on page 32 describes how to indicate your status.
“How to Make Calls” on page 35 describes how to make telephone calls using the Dial feature.
“How to Answer Calls” on page 43 describes how to answer telephone calls using the Answer
“How to Transfer Calls and Data” on page 46 describes how to transfer telephone calls and data
using the Transfer feature.
“How to Set Up Three-Way Conference Calls” on page 53 describes how to set up three-way confer-
ence calls using the Conference feature.
Note: This chapter explains how to use each telephone feature using your mouse. If you want to use
your keyboard, see “Making Selections Using Your Keyboard” on page 12 for instructions.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
How to Select a Line
Your system administrator may have configured your CallCoordinator for Windows computer with multiple
lines (up to four). Figure 10, for example, shows CallCoordinator for Windows configured with four lines.
The currently selected line has a checkmark next to it.
Figure 10. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Currently Selected Line
If you have more than one line, do the following to select a line other than the currently selected line:
Click on the telephone icon associated with the line you want.
The checkmark then appears next to it. You can now make or answer a call using the selected line.
(When answering a call, CallCoordinator for Windows automatically selects the ringing line if there are no
other active calls.)
Note: You can also log on to your switch or indicate your activity status from any line simply by
selecting the line you want. See page 30 and page 32 for instructions on logging on and indicating your
activity status, respectively.
26 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How to Access the Telephone Features
CallCoordinator for Windows is installed for you by your system administrator. When you start
CallCoordinator for Windows, it displays a window that has a menu bar and a row of pushbuttons below
it. If you have not started CallCoordinator for Windows yet, do the following:
1. Start your Windows session.
2. Click on the CallCoordinator for Windows icon in the Program Manager window.
The CallCoordinator for Windows group window appears.
3. Double-click on CCWin System.
The CallCoordinator for Windows main window appears. It has a menu bar, a row of pushbuttons,
and at least one telephone icon for status messages.
Note: If you have more than one line on your telephone set, the corresponding number of tele-
phone icons are displayed (up to four) if your system administrator configured your computer for that
number. For example, if you have four lines, and your system administrator configured all four, your
CallCoordinator for Windows main window will show four telephone icons (as shown in Figure 11).
See “Status Messages” on page 10 and “Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons” on page 21 for
more information about the icons.
Figure 11. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Pushbuttons
The CallCoordinator for Windows telephone features can be accessed from the pushbuttons or from the
Actions pull-down menu on the menu bar.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 27
Using the Pushbuttons
The row of pushbuttons makes available the following telephone features (see Figure 11 on page 27):
Enables you to make a call
Enables you to answer a call
Enables you to disconnect a call
Enables you to transfer a call
Hang Up
Conference Enables you to set up a three-way conference call
Enables you to place a call on Hold
Call Log
Enables you to reconnect to a call on Hold
Enables you to access the Call Log
Enables you to access the note pad feature
To access one of these features, just click on the pushbutton with your mouse.
Using the Actions Pull-Down Menu
The same telephone features are available from the Actions pull-down menu on the CallCoordinator for
Windows menu bar.
To open the Actions pull-down menu, do the following:
Click on Actions.
When selected, Actions displays a pull-down menu of the following telephone features (see Figure 12 on
page 29):
Enables you to make a call
Enables you to answer a call
Enables you to disconnect a call
Enables you to transfer a call
Hang Up
Conference Enables you to set up a three-way conference call
Enables you to place a call on Hold
Enables you to reconnect to a call on Hold
The Actions pull-down menu also includes an exit option, as follows:
Exit Enables you to exit CallCoordinator for Windows
28 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Figure 12. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu
The telephone features work the same way whether you access them from this menu or from the push-
buttons. Instructions on using them are presented in this chapter for use with your mouse. If you prefer
to use your keyboard, see “Making Selections Using Your Keyboard” on page 12 for instructions.
Note: If your telephone system switch does not support a particular telephone feature, CallCoordinator
for Windows displays the text and icon for that feature in gray. You cannot select the feature.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 29
How to Log on to Your Switch
If you normally log on to your telephone system switch before taking calls, you can also do so through
CallCoordinator for Windows.
Note: Certain menu items and windows mentioned in this section appear only if you have one of the
following telephone system switches: AT&T** DEFINITY** Generic 3, ROLM** 9751 (9005), and Northern
Telecom Meridian 1**. If your switch is not one of these, they will not appear.
Logging on to the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch: Do the following to log on to the
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch using CallCoordinator for Windows:
1. Select the line you want to log on from (if it is different from the currently selected line) by clicking on
the corresponding telephone icon.
2. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Logon/Logoff.
The Logon/Logoff window appears, as shown in Figure 13.
Note: Figure 13 shows the Logon/Logoff window as it appears for the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3
switch without the Expert Agent Selection (EASe) feature. If your switch has this feature, this
window contains an entry box for a password instead of the pool ID.
Figure 13. Logon/Logoff Window for the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch
The following entry boxes appear:
Agent ID
Password (appears only if the switch has EASe)
Pool (appears only if the switch does not have EASe)
4. Enter the required information in the boxes displayed in your window.
30 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
5. Click on Logon.
The screen flashes and CallCoordinator for Windows displays the following message:
Logon Successful
6. Click on OK to remove the message box.
When you are ready to log off, access this window again and click on Logoff.
Logging on to the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch: Do the following to log on to
the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch using CallCoordinator for Windows:
1. Select the line you want to log on from (if it is different from the currently selected line) by clicking on
the corresponding telephone icon.
2. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Logon/Logoff.
The Logon/Logoff window appears, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14. Logon/Logoff Window for the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch
The following entry box appears:
Agent ID
4. Enter the ID in the box displayed in your window.
5. Click on Logon.
The screen flashes and CallCoordinator for Windows displays the following message:
Logon Successful
6. Click on OK to remove the message box.
When you are ready to log off, access this window again and click on Logoff.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 31
How to Indicate Your Activity Status
Through CallCoordinator for Windows, you can indicate when you are ready to receive calls, when you
are not, and so on, just as you do today using your telephone set.
Note: You can indicate your activity status through CallCoordinator for Windows only if you have an
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3, Northern Telecom Meridian 1, or ROLM 9751 switch.
Indicating Activity Status to the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch: Do the following
to indicate your activity status to the AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch using CallCoordinator for
1. Select the line from which you want to indicate your activity status (if it is different from the currently
selected line) by clicking on the corresponding telephone icon.
2. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Agent Activity.
The Activity window appears, as shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Activity Window—AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 Switch
4. Enter your ID in the Pool entry box.
5. Click on the appropriate activity button to indicate your status, as follows:
Manual In, to indicate that you are ready to receive the next call
Auto In, to indicate that you want to automatically receive the next call (when you disconnect
from the previous one)
32 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
After Call Work, to indicate that you are still working on the previous call
Auxiliary Work, to indicate that you are working on another task
When you click on an activity button, CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box, as for
Manual In Successful
6. Click on OK to remove the message box.
The checkmark moves to the selected button (for example, Manual In) to indicate your current
activity status.
Note: You can leave open the Activity window the entire time you are handling calls. This enables you
to quickly and easily change your status, as needed, by clicking on the appropriate activity button.
Indicating Activity Status to the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch: Do the
following to indicate your activity status to the Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch using CallCoordinator
for Windows:
1. Select the line from which you want to indicate your activity status (if it is different from the currently
selected line) by clicking on the corresponding telephone icon.
2. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Agent Activity.
The Activity window appears, as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16. Activity Window—Northern Telecom Meridian 1 Switch
4. Enter your ID in the Agent ID entry box.
5. Click on the appropriate activity button to indicate your status, as follows:
Ready, to indicate that you are ready to receive calls
Not Ready, to indicate that you are not ready to receive calls
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 33
When you click on one or the other, CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box, as for
Ready Successful
6. Click on OK to remove the message box.
The checkmark moves to the selected button (for example, Ready) to indicate your current activity
Note: You can leave open the Activity window the entire time you are handling calls. This enables you
to quickly and easily change your status, as needed, by clicking on the appropriate activity button.
Indicating Activity Status to the ROLM 9751 Switch: Do the following to indicate your
activity status to the ROLM 9751 switch using CallCoordinator for Windows:
1. Select the line from which you want to indicate your activity status (if it is different from the currently
selected line) by clicking on the corresponding telephone icon.
2. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Agent Activity.
The Activity window appears, as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17. Activity Window—ROLM 9751 Switch
4. Click on the appropriate activity button to indicate your status, as follows:
Available, to indicate that you are ready to receive calls
Unavailable, to indicate that you are not ready to receive calls
When you click on one or the other, CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box, as for
Available Successful
5. Click on OK to remove the message box.
The checkmark moves to the selected button (for example, Available) to indicate your current
activity status.
Note: You can leave open the Activity window the entire time you are handling calls. This enables you
to quickly and easily change your status, as needed, by clicking on the appropriate activity button.
34 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How to Make Calls
You can make calls from the CCWin Dial Pad window. The telephone number is “dialed” by typing it in,
entering it at the dial pad, or selecting it from your Personal Directory or system directory.
Do the following to open the CCWin Dial Pad window:
Click on the Dial pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Dial Pad window (Figure 18 shows the CCWin Dial Pad
window with sample Personal Directory entries).
Figure 18. CCWin Dial Pad Window
Dialing a Number
Do the following to “dial” a number:
1. Click on the line that you want to use in the CallCoordinator for Windows main window (if you have
more than one line and the one you want is not selected).
2. Do one of the following:
Double-click on the name (of the person you want to call) in the directory displayed to the right
of the dial pad.
Type the number in the space below the dial pad, then click on Dial.
Click on each digit in the dial pad of the number you are calling (the number appears in the
space below the dial pad), then click on Dial.
If your telephone system switch requires a prefix (for example, to obtain an outside line), enter it
in the Dial Prefix box (located above the dial pad). You can enter up to three digits. Delete the
prefix after each call, unless you need it for the next call. (To delete it, select the Dial Prefix
box, and use the Backspace or Del key.)
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 35
1. If you inadvertently try to make a call on an active line, CallCoordinator for Windows displays the
message Line nnnn is not in correct state to make a call.
2. Use the ← (Backspace) or Del key for making corrections when entering a number to dial.
After dialing the number, the CallCoordinator for Windows main window reappears, displaying a message
next to the telephone icon for the selected line:
If the person you are calling is in the active directory (either the system directory or your Personal
Directory), CallCoordinator for Windows displays the person’s name. For example, the message dis-
played might be Dialing Summers Frank.
If the person you are calling is not in the active directory, CallCoordinator for Windows displays the
number you are calling. For example, the message displayed might be Dialing 2015551234.
You can begin talking once the call is answered, using your handset, headset, or speakerphone (if you
have one).
See “Selecting a Directory” on page 37 for more information about the CallCoordinator for Windows
Searching the Directory
You may have directories (personal and system) that contain dozens to hundreds of entries. Finding a
name among so many others can take time if you try to do it by scrolling through the directory to reach
the entry. To help you to quickly and easily locate an entry, CallCoordinator for Windows provides a fast
search capability in the CCWin Dial Pad window.
Do the following to quickly search the currently selected directory:
1. Enter the first two or three letters (of the last name) in the Search for: box (just above the directory).
As you are entering the letters, the directory automatically scrolls to the first entry that begins with
them. (Typically, CallCoordinator for Windows finds the exact entry that you want with just two to
three letters.)
2. If necessary, enter the next letter.
3. When the name you want to call is highlighted (that is, located), simply click on Dial or press the
Enter key to dial the number.
Keeping the Dial Pad Open
Normally, the CCWin Dial Pad window closes after you make a call, and the CallCoordinator for Windows
main window reappears; to make the next call you would have to access the CCWin Dial Pad window
again. If you want the Dial Pad available to you after each call you make, you can select the Keep Dial
Pad Open option. This enables you to make successive calls more quickly and conveniently.
To keep the dial pad available for making a series of calls, do the following:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
36 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
The CCWin Dial Pad window appears.
2. Click on Actions on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The Actions pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 19.
3. Click on Keep Dial Pad Open.
Figure 19. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Actions Pull-Down Menu
The CCWin Dial Pad window continues to be displayed after each call you make. To disable the Keep
Dial Pad Open feature, click on it again on the Actions pull-down menu. (A checkmark indicates whether
this feature is on.)
Selecting a Directory
To simplify making calls, you can use either of the following electronic directories from your CCWin Dial
Pad window: the system directory or your Personal Directory.
The system directory is set up by your system administrator and has a company-wide application. It
typically contains the names and numbers of all parties and entities that your company does busi-
ness with—for example, customers, suppliers, service providers, and so on. For information about
the system directory, see your system administrator.
Your Personal Directory is a directory that you can set up for your own calling needs. You can
include in it, for example, the names and numbers you call most frequently—personal numbers, such
as for schools and doctors; and job-related numbers, such as for other agents, certain customers,
technicians that service equipment in your area, and so on.
Note: You must first create your Personal Directory in order to have it available to use from the
CCWin Dial Pad window. For instructions on creating it, see “How to Create Your Personal
Directory” on page 87.
When you select a directory, the directory appears to the right of the dial pad, and remains there as your
working directory.
Do the following to select the directory you want to use when making calls:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton to open the CCWin Dial Pad window.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 37
2. Click on Directory on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The Directory pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 20.
3. Click on either System Directory or Personal Directory in the Directory pull-down menu.
Figure 20. CCWin Dial Pad Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu
CallCoordinator for Windows indicates which directory is the currently selected directory just below the
CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar. It remains in effect until you change to the other directory, using the
steps just described.
If you have more than one system directory available to you, do the following from the Directory pull-
down menu:
1. Click on Select System Directory.
The Open window appears.
2. Select the system directory you want from the File Name list box.
3. Click on OK.
Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Dial Pad Window
When you make changes to your Personal Directory (which is done in the CCWin Personal Directory
window), or when the system administrator notifies you of an updated system directory, you must update
your version in the CCWin Dial Pad window. This is called a refresh.
Do the following to refresh either directory in the CCWin Dial Pad window:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton to open the CCWin Dial Pad window.
2. Click on Directory on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The Directory pull-down menu appears (see Figure 20).
3. Click on Personal Directory or System Directory to update the version in the CCWin Dial Pad
38 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Updating Entries in Your Personal Directory
You can update entries in your Personal Directory from the CCWin Dial Pad window. Do the following:
1. Click on Directory.
The Directory pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window (see Figure 52 on
page 88).
3. Click on the letter (in the row of letters below the menu bar) corresponding to the first letter (of the
last name) of the entry to be changed. (Use the scroll arrow to display the remaining letters if neces-
sary.) For example, to locate an entry beginning with the letter G, click on G.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entries beginning with that letter.
4. Click on the entry that you want to update. (Use the scroll arrows to scroll through the list if neces-
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entry.
5. Move to the appropriate box.
6. Make your changes using the ← (Backspace) or Del key to delete any characters, and enter any
new ones.
7. Click on Update or press Enter.
If you change your mind about updating this entry, click on Cancel. The entry will be cleared from
this window (but not from your Personal Directory).
In addition to updating, you can also add and remove Personal Directory entries from the CCWin Dial
Pad window. See “How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 for complete instructions on
creating and maintaining your Personal Directory.
Selecting a HAT Table for Making Outbound Calls
Host Application Transaction (HAT) files are special files developed by your system administrator to
provide additional features to you through CallCoordinator for Windows. One such feature that can be
provided through HAT files is intelligent answering. For example, when your telephone rings, the HAT file
can instruct CallCoordinator for Windows to access your business database, locate the caller’s account,
and display the account data on your screen.
A similar capability can be provided for outbound calling; when you dial a number, the HAT file can
execute instructions to display the account data of the party you are calling. The data is in front of you
before the customer answers your call.
HAT files are made up of tables that contain different types of instructions for CallCoordinator for
Windows. When CallCoordinator for Windows was installed for you, your system administrator specified
what HAT tables are available for your use. You can, if applicable, select the HAT table designed for
outbound calls.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 39
Do the following to select a HAT table for making outbound calls:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton to open the CCWin Dial Pad window.
2. Click on HAT on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The HAT pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21. CCWin Dial Pad Window—HAT Pull-Down Menu
3. Click on Run HAT with Dial.
The CCWin Run HAT window appears, as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22. CCWin Run HAT Window
40 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
4. Scroll through the list of HAT table names in the Available HAT Names list box to find the one you
want, and click on it.
The table name that you select appears in the Currently Selected HAT box.
5. Click on OK.
The next time you access this window, the name of the last table you selected appears in the Currently
Selected HAT box.
The HAT table that you select performs the function that your system administrator intended for outbound
calling. The HAT table remains in effect until you change it, using the steps just described.
To stop using a HAT table when making calls, do the following:
1. Click on the Dial pushbutton to open the CCWin Dial Pad window.
2. Click on HAT on the CCWin Dial Pad window menu bar.
The HAT pull-down menu appears (see Figure 21 on page 40).
3. Click on Do not run HAT with Dial.
This selection stops the HAT table from running when making outbound calls.
Using Other Features after Dialing a Number
After you make a call, you can also use the following features from the CallCoordinator for Windows main
Hang Up
Click on Hang Up to hang up your telephone.
Click on Transfer to transfer a call.
Conference Click on Conference to set up a three-way conference call.
Click on Hold to place a caller on Hold.
Click on Retrieve to reconnect to a caller on Hold.
Click on Notes to use the note pad feature.
In the event a telephone feature is not available because your telephone system does not support it,
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the associated text, button, and icon in gray. You cannot select the
Using the Notes Feature
When you make a call, you can open the CallCoordinator for Windows note pad feature to take notes
while talking to the party you called. You can continue taking notes after hanging up. The notes that you
enter are stored by CallCoordinator for Windows.
Do the following to record a note during a telephone call:
1. Click on the Notes pushbutton.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 41
The CCWin Notes window appears (Figure 23 on page 42 shows the CCWin Notes window with a
sample note).
Figure 23. CCWin Notes Window
As can be seen in Figure 23, the CCWin Notes window is associated with the line selected for the
call. (The line number appears in the window title bar.) You can open up this window from each line
that you are using.
2. Enter your note in the Note box.
3. Enter a brief identifier for it in the Description box.
4. Click on Save.
CallCoordinator for Windows stores the note in the Call Log. When you open the Call Log, the Notes
column displays the description for the note. Double-click on the row to see the entire note.
You can edit the note after you open it in the Call Log; you can add more information, delete information,
and make any other edits. Use the ← (Backspace) or Del key for making corrections.
Note: You must be on a call to use the Notes feature (although you can continue entering notes after
hanging up). Otherwise, the Notes pushbutton is grayed out to indicate that it is inactive.
42 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How to Answer Calls
When your telephone rings, you can answer the call from the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
Do the following to answer the call:
1. Click on the telephone icon for the ringing line in the CallCoordinator for Windows main window (if
you have more than one line and the ringing line is not currently selected).
Note: If all the other lines are idle, the ringing line is automatically selected.
2. Click on the Answer pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
You can begin talking with the caller, using your handset, headset, or speakerphone (if you have one).
Check with your system administrator to see if the intelligent answering feature is implemented for your
use. If it is, CallCoordinator for Windows displays certain information about the caller when you answer
the call, such as (for example) the caller’s account data.
When answering a call, the CallCoordinator for Windows main window displays a message next to the
telephone icon for the selected line:
If the caller is in the system directory or your Personal Directory (whichever is currently selected),
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the caller’s name. For example, the message displayed might
be Call from Summers Frank.
If the caller is not in the currently selected directory, CallCoordinator for Windows displays the
caller’s telephone number. For example, the message displayed might be Call from 2015551212.
Note: CallCoordinator for Windows can display the caller’s number to you only if your telephone
system switch provides this information.
If your telephone system switch does not provide any caller information, CallCoordinator for Windows
displays Caller not identified. There is no caller identification of any kind.
Note: If you do not want the CallCoordinator for Windows main window to pop up whenever you receive
a call and you are working in another window, see “Displaying the CallCoordinator for Windows Main
Window on Inbound Calls” on page 20 for instructions.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 43
Using Other Features after Answering a Call
After you answer a call, you can also use the following features from the CallCoordinator for Windows
main window:
Hang Up
Click on Hang Up to hang up your telephone.
Click on Transfer to transfer a call.
Conference Click on Conference to set up a three-way conference call.
Click on Hold to place a caller on Hold.
Click on Retrieve to reconnect to a caller on Hold.
Click on Notes to access the note pad feature.
In the event a telephone feature is not available because your telephone system does not support it,
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the associated text, button, and icon in gray. You cannot select the
Using the Notes Feature
When you answer a call, you can open the CallCoordinator for Windows note pad feature to take notes
while talking to the caller. You can continue taking notes after hanging up. The notes that you enter are
stored by CallCoordinator for Windows.
Do the following to record a note during a telephone call:
1. Click on the Notes pushbutton.
The CCWin Notes window appears (Figure 24 on page 45 shows the CCWin Notes window with a
sample note).
44 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Figure 24. CCWin Notes Window
As can be seen in Figure 24, the CCWin Notes window is associated with the line selected for the
call. (The line number appears in the window title bar.) You can open up this window from each line
that you are using.
2. Enter your note in the Note box.
3. Enter a brief identifier for it in the Description box.
4. Click on Save.
CallCoordinator for Windows stores the note in the Call Log. When you open the Call Log, the Notes
column displays the description. Double-click on the row to see the entire note.
You can edit the note after you open it in the Call Log; you can add more information, delete information,
and make any other edits. Use the ← (Backspace) or Del key for making corrections.
Note: You must be on a call to use the Notes feature (although you can continue entering notes after
hanging up). Otherwise, the Notes pushbutton is grayed out to indicate that it is inactive.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 45
How to Transfer Calls and Data
CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to transfer calls and data, which is known as coordinated voice
and data transfer. You can also, as needed, transfer just the call or just the data. Do the following to
start a call and data transfer:
Click on the Transfer pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Transfer window (Figure 25 shows the CCWin Transfer
window with sample entries).
Figure 25. CCWin Transfer Window
You can simplify call and host data transfers for yourself by setting a few defaults in the CCWin Transfer
window. See “Selecting Your Defaults” on page 49 for instructions.
Transferring Calls and Data
You can transfer calls and data directly to another agent, or to the next available agent in an ACD group.
If the transfer is to an ACD group, the data is automatically held for the next available agent.
Do the following to transfer a call and data:
1. Enter the extension of the target agent or of the ACD group in the Target Agent box, using any of
the following methods:
Accept the default transfer number (which is the last extension you entered)
Click on the box, then type the extension into it (over any existing information)
Click on the scroll arrow to display the current directory, scroll through the list, and click on the
name and extension that you want. The name and extension appear in the Target Agent box.
2. Optionally, click on the Comment for Target Agent box, and enter a comment in it.
46 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
You may find this feature most useful when transferring to an ACD group in that it enables you to
leave a comment for the next available agent. You can enter up to 254 characters (the box scrolls).
Your comment appears on the target agent’s or the next available agent’s window, next to the tele-
phone icon. (If the target agent has more than one line, the comment appears next to the telephone
icon for the line they have selected.)
Note: You cannot enter a comment in the Comment for Target Agent box if you select the Send
Host Screen Image option. See step 4.
3. If necessary, click on the Customer ID box, and change the customer identification in it.
This box usually contains any customer identification information that has been collected by
CallCoordinator for Windows (such as a telephone number, account number, and so on). You may
need to change it if, for example, the caller calls from a different location than usual, such as from a
mobile phone or public telephone (CallCoordinator for Windows cannot match the caller’s number to
the customer ID in these cases).
Note: Skip the next step if you do not plan to transfer data, and go on to step 5.
4. Optionally, to transfer host data (with or without the call), do the following:
a. Click on Defaults on the CCWin Transfer window menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
b. Click on Data on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Data pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26. CCWin Transfer Window—Data Pull-Down Menu
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 47
c. Do one of the following:
Click on Update Target Host Screen to set the target agent’s screen to the same screen
you are looking at. Once the target agent has the new screen on their computer, the target
agent can make changes to the data in it. (Depending on how your system administrator
implemented HAT files, the screen set for the target agent may, for example, be the first
application screen or the last one you worked on. In either case, the target agent can
resume working with the caller’s data after the transfer.)
Click on Send Host Screen Image to send a read-only image of your screen to the target
agent. In this type of transfer, the target agent can only view the data transmitted by you.
Note: You cannot enter a comment in the Comment for Target Agent box if you select
the Send Host Screen Image option.
d. Do the following to select the host session:
1) Click on Defaults on the CCWin Transfer window menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
2) Click on Host Session on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Host Session box appears.
3) Select the session by scrolling through the list and clicking on the session you want.
e. If you are only sending data, click on the Send Data Only pushbutton. The transfer is complete
at this point. Skip the next step.
Note: If you are sending data only, CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box to the
other agent asking the following question:
Data received from extension nnnn.
Do you wish to accept the data?
The target agent can decline the request, in which case the data is discarded. This message is
useful in situations where the target agent already has data on the screen.
5. Click on the Transfer pushbutton to transfer the call or both the call and data.
Note: If you are including data with the call transfer, the data is sent immediately when you click on
This step connects you to the target agent, and the caller is placed on Hold. CallCoordinator for
Windows displays the message Call on Hold.
You can consult with the agent before completing the transfer. If the target agent is busy with
another call, reconnect yourself with the caller by clicking on Cancel. (This option may not be avail-
able on your telephone system switch. You may have to use your telephone to manually reconnect
yourself to the caller.)
6. Click on the Complete pushbutton to complete the call transfer.
Note: If you are transferring to an ACD group, click on the Complete pushbutton immediately to
complete the transfer (that is, right after clicking on Transfer).
48 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
When a call is transferred, CallCoordinator for Windows displays the following message at the bottom of
the target agent’s window:
Call from Summers Frank. Transferred from Mike.
The first name in the message (Summers Frank) is the name of the person being transferred (if that name
is in the currently selected directory; otherwise, the telephone number is displayed). The second name
(Mike) is the name of the agent transferring the call (if the agent is in the currently selected directory;
otherwise, the extension is given instead of the name).
Selecting Your Defaults
You can simplify call and data transfers for yourself by setting a few defaults. The following defaults are
available for you to set:
The type of data to transfer; see “Data Default for Transfers” for more information.
A default telephone directory; see “Default Directory for Transfers” on page 50 for more information.
A default transfer number; see “Default Transfer Number” on page 50 for more information.
A default host session; see “Default Host Session” on page 51 for more information.
Note: When you exit CallCoordinator for Windows, any defaults that you set are lost. To use them
again, you must reset them.
Data Default for Transfers: You can select either of the following data options as your default:
Update Target Host Screen, which causes the target agent’s screen to be the same as yours when
you initiate the transfer; the other agent can update the data with this option, thus enabling the agent
to take over the transaction with the caller
Send Host Screen Image, which will display a copy of your current host screen on the target
agent’s screen when you initiate the transfer; with this option, however, the other agent can only view
the data.
If you regularly (or only) send one type of data, you can establish it as your default (and avoid having to
specify it each time you transfer data). Do the following to set your data default:
1. Click on the Transfer pushbutton to open the CCWin Transfer window.
2. Click on Defaults on the menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Data on the Defaults pull-down menu.
4. Do one of the following:
Click on Update Target Host Screen
Click on Send Host Screen Image
If you do not have a need to send host data, click on No Host Data to establish this option as your
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 49
Default Directory for Transfers: You can set the system directory or Personal Directory as
your default directory for call and data transfers.
The directory you select should contain the names and extensions of the agents you work with, as well
as certain departments or groups in your company. This enables you to quickly find an extension of an
agent or department when you need to transfer a call.
Do the following to select a default directory:
1. Click on the Transfer pushbutton to open the CCWin Transfer window.
2. Click on Directory on the menu bar.
The Directory pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27. CCWin Transfer Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu
3. Click on either System Directory or Personal Directory in the Directory pull-down menu.
CallCoordinator for Windows indicates which is the currently selected directory just below the CCWin
Transfer window menu bar. It remains in effect until you change to the other directory, using the steps
just described.
If you have more than one system directory available to you, do the following from the Directory pull-
down menu:
1. Click on Select System Directory.
The Open window appears.
2. Select the system directory you want from the File Name list box.
3. Click on OK.
Default Transfer Number: CallCoordinator for Windows keeps the last extension you entered in
the Target Agent box. If you always transfer to the same person (or department), that extension
becomes, in effect, the default transfer number. You do not have to enter the number again when you
transfer calls or data.
50 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
If your company has an ACD group, you may want to use the extension of a department as the default
transfer number. Then, when transferring a call (with or without data), you can add a comment that will
be seen by the next available agent in that department. This enables you to communicate with the other
agent even though you cannot do it directly.
Default Host Session: You can set one host session as your default. It should be the session
that you use when you transfer data. Do the following to establish the default host session:
1. Click on the Transfer pushbutton to open the CCWin Transfer window.
2. Click on Defaults.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Host Session on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Host Session box appears.
4. Select the session by scrolling through the list and clicking on the session you want.
Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Transfer Window
When you make changes to your Personal Directory (which is done in the CCWin Personal Directory
window), or when the system administrator notifies you of an updated system directory, you must update
your version in the CCWin Transfer window. This is called a refresh.
Do the following to refresh either directory in the CCWin Transfer window:
1. Click on the Transfer pushbutton to open the CCWin Transfer window.
2. Click on Directory on the CCWin Transfer window menu bar.
The Directory pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Personal Directory or System Directory to update the version in the CCWin Transfer
Updating Entries in Your Personal Directory
You can update entries in your Personal Directory from the CCWin Transfer window. Do the following:
1. Click on Directory.
The Directory pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window (see Figure 52 on
page 88).
3. Click on the letter (in the row of letters below the menu bar) corresponding to the first letter (of the
last name) of the entry to be changed. (Use the scroll arrow to display the remaining letters if neces-
sary.) For example, to locate an entry beginning with the letter G, click on G.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entries beginning with that letter.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 51
4. Click on the entry that you want to update. (Use the scroll arrows to scroll through the list if neces-
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entry.
5. Move to the appropriate box.
6. Make your changes using the ← (Backspace) or Del key to delete any characters, and enter any
new ones.
7. Click on Update or press Enter.
If you change your mind about updating this entry, click on Cancel. The entry will be cleared from
this window (but not from your Personal Directory).
In addition to updating, you can also add and remove Personal Directory entries from the CCWin
Transfer window. See “How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 for complete instructions on
creating and maintaining your Personal Directory.
52 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How to Set Up Three-Way Conference Calls
CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to set up three-way conference calls, including transferring data
into the conference (known as a coordinated voice and data transfer). Do the following to start a
three-way conference call:
Click on the Conference pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Conference window (Figure 28 shows the CCWin Con-
ference window with sample entries).
Figure 28. CCWin Conference Window
You can simplify making conference calls for yourself by setting a few defaults in the CCWin Conference
window. See “Selecting Your Defaults” on page 55 for instructions.
Setting Up Three-Way Conference Calls
Do the following to set up a three-way conference call:
1. Enter the target agent’s extension in the Target Agent box, using any of the following methods:
Accept the default transfer number (which is the last extension you entered)
Click on the box, and type the extension into it (over any existing information)
Click on the scroll arrow to display the current directory, scroll through the list, and click on the
name and extension that you want. The name and extension appear in the Target Agent box.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 53
2. Optionally, click on the Comment for Target Agent box, and enter a comment in it.
You can enter up to 254 characters (the box scrolls). Your comment appears on the target agent’s
window, next to the telephone icon. (If the target agent has more than one line, the comment
appears next to the telephone icon for the line they have selected.)
Note: You cannot enter a comment in the Comment for Target Agent box if you select the Send
Host Screen Image option. See Step 4.
3. If necessary, click on the Customer ID box, and change the customer identification in it.
This box usually contains any customer identification information that has been collected by
CallCoordinator for Windows (such as a telephone number, account number, and so on). You may
need to change it if, for example, the caller calls from a different location than usual, such as from a
mobile phone or public telephone (CallCoordinator for Windows cannot match the caller’s number to
the customer ID in these cases).
Note: Skip the next step if you do not plan to transfer data into the three-way conference call. Go
on to Step 5.
4. Optionally, to send host data for the three-way conference call, do the following:
a. Click on Defaults on the CCWin Conference window menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
b. Click on Data on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Data pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29. CCWin Conference Window—Data Pull-Down Menu
c. Do one of the following:
Click on Update Target Host Screen to set the other agent’s screen to the same screen
you are looking at. Once the other agent has the new screen on their computer, the other
agent can make changes to the data in it. (Depending on how your system administrator
implemented HAT files, the screen set for the other agent may, for example, be the first
application screen or the last one that you worked on. In either case, the other agent can
resume working with the caller’s data after the transfer.)
Click on Send Host Screen Image to send a read-only image of your screen to the other
agent. In this type of transfer, the other agent can only view the data transmitted by you.
54 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Note: You cannot enter a comment in the Comment for Target Agent box if you select
the Send Host Screen Image option.
d. Do the following to select the host session:
1) Click on Defaults on the CCWin Conference window menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
2) Click on Host Session on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Host Session box appears.
3) Select the session by scrolling through the list and clicking on the session you want.
5. Click on the Conference pushbutton.
Note: When transferring data into a three-way conference call, the data is sent at this step, even
though the call has not been conferenced yet.
This step connects you to the other agent, and the caller is placed on Hold. CallCoordinator for
Windows displays the message Call on Hold.
You can consult with the agent before connecting the caller. If the other agent is busy with another
call, reconnect yourself with the caller by clicking on Cancel. (If this option is not available on your
telephone system switch, use your telephone to manually reconnect yourself to the caller.)
6. Click on Complete to complete the three-way conference call.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the message Call on Conference.
Selecting Your Defaults
You can simplify conferencing calls and data for yourself by setting a few defaults. The following defaults
are available for you to set:
The type of data to transfer; see “Data Default for Three-Way Conference Calls” on page 56 for
more information.
A default telephone directory; see “Default Directory for Three-Way Conference Calls” on page 56
for more information.
A default conference number; see “Default Conference Number” on page 57 for more information.
A default host session; see “Default Host Session” on page 57 for more information.
Note: When you exit CallCoordinator for Windows, any defaults that you set are lost. To use them
again, you must reset them.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 55
Data Default for Three-Way Conference Calls: You can select either of the following data
options as your default:
Update Target Host Screen, which causes the target agent’s screen to be the same as yours when
you initiate the conference; the other agent can update the data with this option, thus enabling the
agent to take over the transaction with the caller
Send Host Screen Image, which will display a copy of your current host screen on the target
agent’s screen when you initiate the conference; with this option, however, the other agent can only
view the data.
If you regularly (or only) send one type of data, you can establish it as your default (and avoid having to
specify it each time you conference data).
Do the following to set your data default:
1. Click on the Conference pushbutton to open the CCWin Conference window.
2. Click on Defaults on the menu bar.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Data on the Defaults pull-down menu.
4. Do one of the following:
Click on Update Target Host Screen
Click on Send Host Screen Image
If you do not have a need to send host data, click on No Host Data to establish this option as your
Default Directory for Three-Way Conference Calls: You can set the system directory or
Personal Directory as your default directory for setting up three-way conference calls.
The directory you select should contain the names and extensions of the agents you work with, as well
as certain departments or groups in your company. This enables you to quickly find an extension for an
agent or department when you need to set up a three-way conference call.
Do the following to set a default directory:
1. Click on the Conference pushbutton to open the CCWin Conference window.
2. Click on Directory on the CCWin Conference window menu bar.
The Directory pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 30 on page 57.
56 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Figure 30. CCWin Conference Window—Directory Pull-Down Menu
3. Click on either System Directory or Personal Directory in the Directory pull-down menu.
CallCoordinator for Windows indicates which is the currently selected directory just below the CCWin
Conference window menu bar. It remains in effect until you change to the other directory, using the
steps just described.
If you have more than one system directory available to you, do the following from the Directory pull-
down menu:
1. Click on Select System Directory.
The Open window appears.
2. Select the system directory you want from the File Name list box.
3. Click on OK.
Default Conference Number: CallCoordinator for Windows keeps the last extension you
entered in the Target Agent box. If you always conference with the same person (or department), that
extension becomes, in effect, the default conference number. You do not have to enter the number
again when you set up three-way conference calls.
Default Host Session: You can set one host session as your default. It should be the session
that you use when you transfer data during three-way conference calls. Do the following to set the
default host session:
1. Click on the Conference pushbutton to open the CCWin Conference window.
2. Click on Defaults.
The Defaults pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Host Session on the Defaults pull-down menu.
The Host Session box appears.
4. Select the session by scrolling through the list and clicking on the session you want.
Chapter 3. Using the Telephone Features 57
Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Conference Window
When you make changes to your Personal Directory (which is done in the CCWin Personal Directory
window), or when the system administrator notifies you of an updated system directory, you must update
the version in the CCWin Conference window. This is called a refresh.
Do the following to refresh either directory in the CCWin Conference window:
1. Click on the Conference pushbutton to open the CCWin Conference window.
2. Click on Directory on the CCWin Conference window menu bar.
The Directory pull-down menu appears.
3. Click on Personal Directory or System Directory to update the version in the CCWin Conference
Updating Entries in Your Personal Directory
You can update entries in your Personal Directory from the CCWin Conference window. Do the fol-
1. Click on Directory.
The Directory pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window (see Figure 52 on
page 88).
3. Click on the letter (in the row of letters below the menu bar) corresponding to the first letter (of the
last name) of the entry to be changed. (Use the scroll arrow to display the remaining letters if neces-
sary.) For example, to locate an entry beginning with the letter G, click on G.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entries beginning with that letter.
4. Click on the entry that you want to update. (Use the scroll arrows to scroll through the list if neces-
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entry.
5. Move to the appropriate box.
6. Make your changes using the ← (Backspace) or Del key to delete any characters, and enter any
new ones.
7. Click on Update or press Enter.
If you change your mind about updating this entry, click on Cancel. The entry will be cleared from
this window (but not from your Personal Directory).
In addition to updating, you can also add and remove Personal Directory entries from the CCWin Confer-
ence window. See “How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 for complete instructions on
creating and maintaining your Personal Directory.
58 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal
This chapter describes how to use the Call Log and how to create and maintain your Personal Directory.
It is organized as follows:
“Accessing the Call Log and Personal Directory Features” on page 60 describes how to access
these features from the pushbuttons and menu bar on the CallCoordinator for Windows main
“How to Use the Call Log” on page 63 describes how to use the Call Log feature.
“How to Create Your Personal Directory” on page 87 describes how to create and maintain your
Personal Directory.
Note: This chapter explains how to use these features using your mouse. If you want to use your
keyboard, see “Making Selections Using Your Keyboard” on page 12 for instructions.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
Accessing the Call Log and Personal Directory Features
CallCoordinator for Windows is installed for you by your system administrator. When you start
CallCoordinator for Windows, it displays a window that has a menu bar and a row of pushbuttons below
it. If you have not started CallCoordinator for Windows yet, do the following:
1. Start your Windows session.
2. Click on the CallCoordinator for Windows icon in the Program Manager window.
The CallCoordinator for Windows group window appears.
3. Double-click on CCWin System.
The CallCoordinator for Windows main window appears. It has a menu bar, a row of pushbuttons,
and at least one telephone icon for status messages.
Note: If you have more than one line on your telephone set, the corresponding number of tele-
phone icons are displayed (up to four) if your system administrator configured your computer for that
number. For example, if you have four lines, and your system administrator configured all four, your
CallCoordinator for Windows main window will show four telephone icons (as shown in Figure 31).
See “Status Messages” on page 10 and “Setting the Colors for the Telephone Icons” on page 21 for
more information about the icons.
Figure 31. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Call Log Pushbutton
The CallCoordinator for Windows Call Log can be accessed from the pushbutton or from the Features
pull-down menu; the Personal Directory can be accessed from the Features pull-down menu, and from
the CCWin Dial Pad, CCWin Transfer, and CCWin Conference windows.
60 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Using the Pushbutton
The Call Log pushbutton enables you to access the Call Log feature (see Figure 31); just click on the
pushbutton using your mouse.
Using the Features Pull-Down Menu
The Call Log and Personal Directory are available from the Features pull-down menu on the
CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
To open them from the Features pull-down menu, do the following:
Click on Features.
When selected, Features displays a pull-down menu of the following items (see Figure 32 on page 62):
Update Personal Directory
Enables you to access the Personal Directory feature
Note Pad
Display Call Log
Enables you to display the Call Log
Enable Call Logging
Enables you to activate or deactivate the Call Log feature
Enables you to access the Note Pad feature
Enables you to log on or log off your telephone system switch.
Agent Activity
Enables you to indicate your status to your telephone system switch.
Note: The last two menu items appear only if you have certain telephone system switches. See “How
to Log on to Your Switch” on page 30 and “How to Indicate Your Activity Status” on page 32 for more
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 61
Figure 32. CallCoordinator for Windows Main Window—Features Pull-down Menu
Instructions for using the Call Log and Personal Directory features are presented in this chapter for use
with your mouse. If you prefer to use your keyboard, see “Making Selections Using Your Keyboard” on
page 12.
62 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How to Use the Call Log
The CallCoordinator for Windows Call Log feature automatically collects (logs) data about each call you
receive, make, and even miss. It records the date and time of the call, the called or calling party, the
phone number, the call duration, and any notes you made about the call. All of this data makes up your
Call Log. When you open it, CallCoordinator for Windows presents a view of this data, which is com-
posed of seven columns (date, time, party, and so on). You can tailor your view of the Call Log by
specifying which columns of data you want.
Enabling the Call Log
You must enable the Call Log feature in order for CallCoordinator for Windows to track your call activity.
Do the following to enable the Call Log:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Enable Call Logging to enable the Call Log (see Figure 33).
When you next access this pull-down menu, you will see a checkmark next to Enable Call Logging,
which indicates that the Call Log is enabled. Your call activity will be logged.
Figure 33. Enabling the Call Log
You can also enable the Call Log by clicking on the Call Log pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for
Windows main window.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 63
If you choose not to use the Call Log, you can disable it. Do the following to disable the Call Log:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Enable Call Logging to disable the Call Log.
When you next access this pull-down menu, you will see that the checkmark next to Enable Call
Logging is gone. Your call activity will not be logged.
Opening the Call Log
Do one of the following to open the Call Log:
Click on the Call Log pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar, then click on Display Call Log.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Call Log window (Figure 34 shows the CCWin Call Log
window with sample Call Log entries).
Figure 34. CCWin Call Log Window
The CCWin Call Log window displays information about your telephone activity on a call-by-call basis.
For each call, it shows the following information:
Date of the call
Time of the call
Type of call (outgoing, incoming, or missed)
Name or number of the Party that called you or that you called (the name is displayed if the party is
in the currently selected directory; otherwise the number is displayed)
Phone number of the caller or called party
Duration of the call
Short description of any Notes about the call
Note: Use the → scroll arrow to scroll the view in order to see the Notes column.
64 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
You can scroll through the Call Log entries using the scroll arrows (↓↑).
Note: If you have not had any call activity as yet, the columns will be empty.
The pushbuttons in the CCWin Call Log window give you complete control over the Call Log
information—for example, you can sort it, print it, delete it, and more. The following pushbuttons are
Enables you to use the Call Log information in different ways
Enables you to print the Call Log
Delete Call Enables you to delete a Call Log entry
Clear Log
Save File
Enables you to clear the contents of the Call Log
Enables you to save the Call Log to a file
Opening Notes in the Call Log
You can take notes while on a call using the CallCoordinator for Windows Notes feature. You can take
notes after answering or making a call, and after completing a call. You enter the notes in the CCWin
Notes window, and provide a short description to serve as an identifier. (For instructions on taking notes,
see “Adding Notes to the Call Log.”) Each note that you take for a call is stored with the other Call Log
Any notes that you have taken about a call can be opened in the Call Log. Do the following to open a
note in the Call Log:
1. Click on the Call Log pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
The CCWin Call Log window appears (shown in Figure 34 on page 64).
2. Double-click on the row of the entry that you want to open the note for. (Look in the Notes column in
the CCWin Call Log window to locate the description for the note.)
The CCWin Notes window appears, displaying the note.
Once the note is opened, you can edit it. You can add more information, delete information, and make
any other edits. Use the ← (Backspace) or Del key for making any corrections.
Adding Notes to the Call Log
You can also add notes to Call Log entries that do not have notes. For example, if you could not take a
note with the caller on the line, or if you want to leave a reminder for yourself about any particular call,
you can add the note when you are ready. Do the following to add a note:
1. Click on the Call Log pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
The CCWin Call Log window appears (shown in Figure 34 on page 64).
2. Double-click on the row of the entry that you want to add the note for.
The CCWin Notes window appears.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 65
3. Enter your note in the Note box.
4. Enter a brief identifier for it in the Description box.
5. Click on Save.
66 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Managing the Call Log Information—Settings Feature
The Call Log is intended to give you information that you may find useful in your job. You can work with
this information in a number of ways through its Settings feature. Through this feature, for example, you
can sort your Call Log data by the column (of information) that is of the most interest to you.
Do the following to access the Call Log settings feature:
1. Click on the Call Log pushbutton on the CallCoordinator for Windows main window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Call Log window.
2. Click on the Settings pushbutton.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Log Settings window, arranged as a series of folders with
labeled tabs (see Figure 35).
Figure 35. Log Settings Window
3. You can select one of the following settings:
View, to specify which columns of Call Log information you want displayed in your Call Log
window; see “Setting the View” on page 68 for instructions.
Sort, to sort the Call Log information by column, in ascending or descending order; see “Sorting
the Call Log” on page 69 for instructions.
Filter, to display only certain Call Log information; see “Setting the Filter” on page 71 for
Overflow, to send Call Log entries that exceed a pre-specified limit to a file; see “Setting the
Overflow” on page 80 for instructions.
Toolbar, to specify whether the toolbar in the CCWin Call Log window shows text only, icons
only, text and icons, or to specify no toolbar at all; see “Setting the Toolbar” on page 82 for
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 67
Setting the View: The View setting enables you to specify which columns of information are dis-
played when you open your Call Log. The default view consists of the following seven columns of infor-
mation: Date, Time, Type (for example, outgoing call), Party (the caller’s or called party’s name), Phone
Number, Duration, and Notes.
You can exclude one or more of these columns from your view of the Call Log (at minimum, one column
must remain). For example, you may only be interested in a Call Log view that displays the Date, Time,
Party, and Notes.
Do the following to set the view:
1. Click on the View tab from the Log Settings window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the View folder, as shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36. Log Settings View Folder
2. Do the following to specify the view:
a. Define the call information you do not want (if any) by clicking on the column (Date, Duration,
Party, Phone Number, Time, Type, or Notes) in the Included Columns box.
b. Click on the Exclude button to move the highlighted column to the Excluded Columns box.
The columns remaining in the Included Columns box are the ones that you will see when you
open the Call Log window.
c. Repeat these steps for each column you do not want (if any).
If you change your mind, highlight the column in the Excluded Columns box, and click on the
Include button. It will reappear in the Included Columns box.
3. Close the window (using the Windows control menu) to save the view.
68 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Sorting the Call Log: The Sort setting enables you to sort your Call Log data. You can sort it by
column (for example, Type) in ascending or descending order.
Do the following to access the Sort setting:
1. Click on the Sort tab from the Log Settings window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Sort folder, as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37. Log Settings Sort Folder
2. Do the following to sort the data:
a. Define the call information you want to use as your sort criterion by clicking on the column
(Date, Duration, Party, Phone Number, Time, or Type) in the Unsorted Columns box.
b. Click on the Sort button to move the highlighted column to the Sorted Columns box.
If you change your mind, highlight the column in the Sorted Columns box, and click on the
Unsort button. It will reappear in the Unsorted Columns box.
Note: You can sort on only one column at a time.
c. Click on one of the following radio buttons:
Ascending if you want the data sorted in ascending order
Descending if you want the data sorted in descending order
3. Close the window (using the Windows control menu) to save the sorted information.
CallCoordinator for Windows will sort the call data by the selected column in ascending or descending
order. For example, if you select the Party column, in ascending order, this sort criterion arranges all of
your Call Log data by the calling and called parties, in alphabetical order. As a result, you will have a list
of Call Log activity that quickly shows you, for example, who called you; however, you lose the chrono-
logical order of the calls for the Call Log.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 69
Note: The Call Log keeps the sort order that you specified. New entries are added to the Call Log, then
automatically resorted. To return the Call Log to its original order, you must unsort the Call Log (by
clicking on the Unsort button for the column in the Sorted Columns box).
70 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Setting the Filter: The Call Log collects complete data about each of your calls (even if you
exclude one or more columns from your view). Sometimes you will want to limit the data that is dis-
played when you view the Call Log. The Filter setting enables you to filter the log entries so that only
the entries that meet the criteria you specify are displayed in the Call Log. For example, you can filter
through only missed calls from the Type column (that is, excluding incoming and outgoing calls).
Note: The Filter setting is different from the View setting in that it affects the data within a column.
View, on the other hand, affects entire columns. The filters that you set work with both the Sort and the
View settings for the Call Log.
Do the following to access the Filter setting:
1. Click on the Filter tab from the Log Settings window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Filter folder, as shown in Figure 38.
Figure 38. Log Settings Filter Folder
2. Do the following to filter the Call Log data for sorting and viewing:
a. Click on the column (Date, Party, Phone Number, Time, Type, or Notes) you want to filter in the
Unfiltered Columns box.
b. Click on the Filter button to move the column into the Filtered Columns box. You can include
as many columns as you want, but you can only filter one at a time.
If you change your mind, highlight the column in the Filtered Columns box, and click on the
Unfilter button. The column will reappear in the Unfiltered Columns box.
When the Filtered Columns box contains an entry, the Edit Filter box becomes operational.
c. Click on the column you want to filter in the Filtered Columns box.
d. Click on Edit Filter.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a filter window for the column you selected.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 71
The sections that follow describe how to filter the Date, Party, Phone Number, Time, Type, and
Notes columns.
Note: Unlike the Sort setting, you can use multiple Filter settings to refine the data you want
as your output. For example, you can include three columns in the Filtered Columns
box. You can then filter each one separately. When you close the Log Settings window,
the three filters that you applied cumulatively filter the Call Log data.
After setting filters for the Call Log, new entries that do not meet the filter criteria will not
be displayed in it. To return the Call Log to its original state, you must unfilter the Call
Log (by clicking on the Unfilter button for the columns in the Filtered Columns box).
72 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Filtering the Type Column: If you are filtering the Type column, the Edit Filter box displays the Filter
Type box (see Figure 39), with the following call types:
Incoming calls
Outgoing calls
Missed calls
Incoming and outgoing calls
Incoming and missed calls
Outgoing and missed calls
Do the following to filter the Type column:
1. Click on the type you want to filter and click on OK.
The type you select is for the calls that you want to see.
Figure 39. Call Log Filter Type Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Type.
2. Click on OK.
3. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 73
Filtering the Date Column: If you are filtering the Date column, the Edit Filter box displays the Filter
Date box (see Figure 40).
Do the following to filter the Date column:
1. Click on Before or After.
2. Enter a date in the Enter Date box, as follows:
Double-click on each box to highlight it, then enter the month, day, or year
Double-click on each box to highlight it, then use the spin buttons to set the month, day, and
3. Click on OK.
Figure 40. Call Log Filter Date Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Date.
4. Click on OK.
5. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
This filter enables you to filter through all entries that are recorded before or after the date you specify.
74 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Filtering the Time Column: If you are filtering the Time column, the Edit Filter box displays the Filter
Time box (see Figure 41).
Do the following to filter the Time column:
1. Click on Before or After.
2. Enter a time in the Enter Time box, as follows:
Double-click on each box to highlight it, then enter the hour or minute (and seconds if you need
Double-click on each box to highlight it, then use the spin buttons to set the hour or minute (and
seconds if you need to).
3. Click on AM or PM.
4. Click on OK.
Figure 41. Call Log Filter Time Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Time.
5. Click on OK.
6. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
This filter enables you to filter through all entries that are recorded before or after the time you specify.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 75
Filtering the Party Column: If you are filtering the Party column, the Edit Filter box displays the Filter
Party box (see Figure 42).
Do the following to filter the Party column:
1. Enter the name in the Filter box.
The name should be entered as shown in the Call Log.
2. Click on OK.
Figure 42. Call Log Filter Party Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Party.
3. Click on OK.
4. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
76 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Filtering the Phone Number Column: If you are filtering the Phone Number column, the Edit Filter
box displays the Filter Phone Number box (see Figure 43).
Do the following to filter the Phone Number column:
1. Enter the phone number in the Filter box.
Note: Enter just the digits of the number. Do not use hyphens or parentheses as delimiters (for
example, do not enter 201-555-1234).
2. Click on OK.
Figure 43. Call Log Filter Phone Number Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Phone Number.
3. Click on OK.
4. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 77
Filtering the Notes Column: If you are filtering the Notes column, the Edit Filter box displays the
Filter Notes box (see Figure 44).
Do the following to filter the Notes column:
1. Enter the description of the note in the Filter box.
The description should match the descriptions entered in the CCWin Notes window.
2. Click on OK.
Figure 44. Call Log Filter Notes Box
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Filter Criteria accepted for Notes.
3. Click on OK.
4. Close the window, using the Windows control menu.
You may find filtering your notes useful for certain situations. For example, if you enter “call back” (in the
Description box of the CCWin Notes window) to remind yourself to follow up on certain calls, you can
filter through all such calls in your Call Log. Your filtered output will list all the persons that you need to
call back.
78 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Using the View, Sort, and Filter Settings Together
You can use the view, sort, and filter settings together to further refine the output shown in your Call Log.
For example:
Use the view feature to exclude all columns except for Party, Date, and Time.
Use the sort feature to sort on Date.
Use the filter feature to retain only missed calls (from the Type column).
Your Call Log view, as a result, will consist of a list of missed calls, ordered by Date, but showing only
who the calling party was, and the date and time of the missed calls. You can then print this output.
Note: You can sort on a certain column but choose not to display it in your view. In the example just
described, even though Date was the sort column, you can exclude this column from your view if you
look at this kind of information each day. Your Call Log will then display the missed calls, but only show
who the calling parties were and the time of the missed calls.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 79
Setting the Overflow: The Overflow setting enables you to specify the maximum number of Call
Log entries that you want logged on an ongoing basis. This number is the overflow threshold. You can
also specify a file, the overflow file, to store any entries that exceed the maximum number.
Do the following to specify the overflow threshold and the overflow file:
1. Click on the Overflow tab from the Log Settings window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Overflow folder (Figure 45 shows the Overflow folder with
a sample filename).
Figure 45. Log Settings Overflow Folder
2. Specify the maximum number of entries you want logged on an ongoing basis in the Overflow
Threshold box, as follows:
Double-click on the box to highlight it, and enter a number
Use the spin buttons to increase or decrease the current number.
Note: The maximum number of entries that can be set as the overflow threshold is 200.
3. Enter the filename in the Overflow File box of the file that will store overflow entries.
You can use any filename and extension as long as it conforms to DOS filename conventions.
4. Click on the Active box to specify that overflow entries are to be saved to the overflow file.
Note: If this box is not selected, overflow entries may be lost. CallCoordinator for Windows deletes
the oldest entries (once the overflow threshold is reached) and keeps the most recent on an ongoing
5. Close the window, using the Windows control menu, to save the overflow information.
80 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
CallCoordinator for Windows logs entries up to the number specified as the overflow threshold. The first
overflow entry causes the first half of the logged entries to be sent to the overflow file. For example, if
100 entries is the specified limit, then the 101st entry will force entries 1 through 50 to the overflow file.
As a result, the Call Log will retain 50 entries (which were entries 51 through 100), and has space for the
next 50.
If you elect not to activate the overflow file, CallCoordinator for Windows only retains the most recent 100
entries on an ongoing basis.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 81
Setting the Toolbar: CallCoordinator for Windows enables you to customize the toolbar in your
Call Log window. Your choices are as follows:
No toolbar
Icon and text toolbar
Icon only toolbar
Text only toolbar
Do the following to set the toolbar for the Call Log window:
1. Click on the Toolbar tab from the Log Settings window.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the Toolbar folder, as shown in Figure 46.
Figure 46. Log Settings Toolbar Folder
82 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
2. Do the following to select the toolbar setting:
Click on No toolbar if you do not want any toolbar displayed in the Call Log window.
Figure 47 shows the Call Log without the toolbar.
Figure 47. Call Log—No Toolbar
Click on Icon and text toolbar if you want both icons and text displayed.
This is the default. Figure 48 shows the Call Log with an icon-and-text toolbar.
Figure 48. Call Log Toolbar—Icons and Text
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 83
Click on Icon only toolbar if you want only icons displayed.
Figure 49 shows the Call Log with an icon-only toolbar.
Figure 49. Call Log Toolbar—Icons Only
Click on Text only toolbar if you want only text displayed.
Figure 50 shows the Call Log with a text-only toolbar.
Figure 50. Call Log Toolbar—Text Only
3. Close the Log Settings window, using the Windows control menu, to save the toolbar setting.
You will need to close and reopen the Call Log window to display the toolbar as you have set it. This
setting will remain in effect until you change it.
84 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Controlling Your Call Log
You can print the contents of the Call Log, delete a Call Log entry, clear the entire Call Log, and save
your Call Log to a file. Figure 51 shows the pushbuttons used to control your Call Log.
Figure 51. Pushbuttons for Controlling the Call Log
Printing Your Call Log: You can print the contents of your Call Log at any time, including when
the Call Log is sorted, filtered, or both.
Do the following to print the Call Log:
Click on the Print pushbutton.
CallCoordinator for Windows prints your Call Log view. See your system administrator to find out which
printer the log output is sent to.
Deleting a Call Log Entry: You can delete a Call Log entry by using the Delete Call push-
Do the following to delete a Call Log entry:
1. Click on the row of the entry you want to delete.
2. Click on the Delete Call pushbutton.
CallCoordinator for Windows asks if you want to delete the entry.
3. Click on Yes to delete the entry.
CallCoordinator for Windows deletes the entry from your Call Log.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 85
Clearing Your Call Log: You can clear (delete) all the entries in your Call Log by using the
Clear Log pushbutton.
Do the following to clear the Call Log:
1. Click on the Clear Log pushbutton to clear the Call Log.
CallCoordinator for Windows asks if you want to clear the entire log.
2. Click on Y to clear it.
Saving Your Call Log to a File: You can copy your Call Log to a file by using the Save File
Do the following to save the Call Log to a file:
1. Click on the Save File pushbutton.
The Save As box appears, which asks for the name of the file.
2. Enter the name and click on OK.
CallCoordinator for Windows copies your Call Log, in ASCII format, to the file you specified.
86 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
How to Create Your Personal Directory
You can create a telephone directory for your own needs. CallCoordinator for Windows considers it to be
your Personal Directory. In your Personal Directory you can include, for example, the names and
numbers you call most frequently—personal numbers (such as for schools and doctors), and job-related
numbers (such as for other agents, certain customers, technicians that service equipment in your area,
and so on). Once created, your Personal Directory is easily maintained to reflect any changes and addi-
Your Personal Directory, like the system directory, gives you an easy way to “dial” calls and to locate
extensions for call transfers and conference calls.
When you want to call someone listed in your Personal Directory, you can “dial” the number simply
by double-clicking on the name; see “How to Make Calls” on page 35 for more information.
When you want to transfer or conference a call, you can use your Personal Directory to quickly
locate the number (if needed); see “Transferring Calls and Data” on page 46 and “Setting Up
Three-Way Conference Calls” on page 53 for more information.
Do the following to open the Personal Directory:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window (Figure 52 on page 88
shows the CCWin Personal Directory window with a sample entry).
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 87
Figure 52. CCWin Personal Directory Window
Adding an Entry
You create your Personal Directory using the CCWin Personal Directory window, where you can add,
update, or remove entries.
Do the following to add an entry:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window.
3. Enter the following information (click on each box first):
Last name in the Last Name box (this field is mandatory)
First name in the First Name box
Middle initial in the M.I. box
88 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Phone number in the Phone Number box (this field is mandatory; the number entered must be
complete and accurate)
You can use hyphens as separators between the area code, exchange, and extension.
Description, if any, in the Description box; this field is optional
Use the ← (Backspace) or Del key if you need to correct an entry.
4. Click on Add or press Enter to add the entry.
The fields will clear; you can add the next entry.
When you add an entry, the initial letter of the last name becomes highlighted in the row of letters in the
CCWin Personal Directory window.
If you change your mind about adding the entry, press Cancel instead of Add. The fields will clear.
Updating an Entry
Do the following to update an entry:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window.
3. Click on the letter (in the row of letters below the menu bar) corresponding to the first letter of the
last name of the entry to be changed. (Use the scroll arrow to display the remaining letters if neces-
sary.) For example, to locate an entry beginning with the letter “G,” click on G.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entries beginning with that letter.
4. Click on the entry that you want to update. (Use the scroll arrows to scroll through the list if neces-
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entry.
5. Move to the appropriate box.
6. Make your changes using the ← (Backspace) or Del key to delete any characters, and enter any
new ones.
7. Click on Update or press Enter.
If you change your mind about updating this entry, click on Cancel. The entry will be cleared from
this window (but not from your Personal Directory).
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 89
Removing an Entry
To remove an entry, do the following:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window.
3. Click on the letter (in the row of letters below the menu bar) corresponding to the first letter of the
last name of the entry to be deleted. (Use the scroll arrow to display the remaining letters if neces-
sary.) For example, to locate an entry beginning with the letter “G,” click on G.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entries beginning with that letter.
4. Click on the entry that you want to remove. (Use the scroll arrows to scroll through the list if neces-
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entry.
5. Click on Remove.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays a message box with the following message:
Do you wish to remove this entry from the directory?
6. Click on Yes to delete it. If you change your mind about deleting this entry, click on No, and then
click on Cancel. The entry will be cleared from this window (but not from your Personal Directory).
Refreshing the Personal Directory
Whenever you modify the Personal Directory (through additions, deletions, and updates), you need to
refresh the Personal Directory in the three windows where you use it. See “Refreshing the Directories in
the CCWin Dial Pad Window” on page 38, “Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Transfer Window”
on page 51, and “Refreshing the Directories in the CCWin Conference Window” on page 58 for
Displaying Entries
Do the following to display entries in your Personal Directory:
1. Click on Features on the CallCoordinator for Windows menu bar.
The Features pull-down menu appears.
2. Click on Update Personal Directory.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the CCWin Personal Directory window.
3. Click on the letter (in the row of letters below the menu bar) corresponding to the first letter of the
last name of the entries you want to display. For example, to see all the entries beginning with the
letter “G,” click on G.
CallCoordinator for Windows displays the entries beginning with that letter.
a. To locate a specific entry, scroll through the list (using the scroll arrows).
90 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
b. To update or remove an entry, click on the entry. The entry appears in the CCWin Personal
Directory window where it can be updated or removed.
c. To exit the list of entries, click on Cancel.
The CCWin Personal Directory window appears.
Chapter 4. Using the Call Log and Creating Your Personal Directory 91
92 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
This glossary defines all terms and abbreviations used in
this publication that may be new or unfamiliar as well as
previously defined terms that you may want to look up.
The terms are defined as they apply to telephony.
the billing directory number associated with a calling
party. This is the telephone number of the incoming call.
This information is used for call setup activities and can
be used by CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows as a
key for retrieving data from host computer applications.
This glossary includes terms and definitions from the
Dictionary of Computing, SC20-1699.
The following cross-references are used in this glossary:
call. An attempt by a caller to reach one or more
parties by using a telephone, whether or not the attempt
is successful.
Contrast with. This refers to a term that has an
opposed or substantively different meaning.
See. This refers the reader to multiple-word terms
in which this term appears.
call center. A customer business center where initial
access is by telephone. Examples of call centers
include help desks, order desks, and customer service
centers. Call center employees usually have terminals
for access to information stored in databases on host
See also. This refers the reader to terms that have
a related, but not synonymous, meaning.
Synonym for. This indicates that the term has the
same meaning as a preferred term, which is defined
in the glossary.
caller. A person dialing into a call center’s telephone
Acronyms are defined under their expanded form.
CallPath Services. An architecture that defines com-
munication between a computer and a telephone switch
so that a program on the computer can monitor and
influence the actions of the switch.
ACD. Automatic call distribution.
ACD group. A set of service representatives assigned
to process incoming calls directed to the same dialed
number. The ACD feature of the switch routes an
incoming call to a member of the ACD group based on
such factors as availability of the member and length of
time since the member last completed an incoming call.
coordinated voice and data transfer. The function
where telephony data and a copy of a host screen are
sent from one agent to another when a call is trans-
Agent. A call center employee whose job it is to handle
incoming and outgoing telephone calls.
database. A collection of interrelated data stored
together with controlled redundancy according to a
schema to serve one or more applications.
ANI. Automatic number identification.
application. The use to which an information proc-
essing system is put, for example, a payroll application,
an airline reservation, a network application.
dialed number identification service (DNIS).
number supplied by the public telephone network to
identify the digits dialed. For example, two or more
1-800 numbers might both call the same call center
switch. DNIS tells the switch which of the 1-800
numbers was actually dialed. DNIS can be used by
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows to automatically
select between several host computer applications.
automatic call distribution (ACD). A PBX feature that
allows incoming calls to one dialed number to be routed
to any member of the ACD group, all of whom can
provide the same service to the calling party. Automatic
call distribution enables the efficient distribution of a high
volume of incoming calls.
DNIS. Dialed number identification service.
automatic number identification (ANI). A service
offered by commercial telephone networks that provides
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
relational databases. OS/2 has a CUA-compliant graph-
ical user interface, called Presentation Manager.
HAT file. Host Application Transaction file.
outbound call. A telephone call that was originated by
a party associated with the local switch and that is
directed toward a remote party. In this book, it refers to
calls made by agents in the call center.
Host Application Transaction (HAT) file. A set of
tables containing commands for interaction between the
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows computer and
host computers. When the tables are executed, the
actions specified in the tables are carried out on the
OS/2. Operating System/2.
host computer. A computer that provides customer
application and database services. In a CallPath
CallCoordinator for Windows environment, the host com-
puter can be a System/390, System/370, Application
System/400, System/36, or Personal System/2, commu-
nicating with CallCoordinator/2 through 3270 or 5250
emulation or by a device driver.
PBX. Private branch exchange.
private branch exchange (PBX). A telephone
switching system, located on a call center’s premises,
that transmits calls to and from the public telephone
network. Many PBXs provide advanced telephony and
data communication features.
icon. A graphical representation of an object, consisting
of an image, background, and label.
QuickKey. A combination of keys, such as Alt+Q, that
provides a shortcut for executing a complex series of
commands. QuickKeys are defined by the system
administrator and can be customized according to the
needs of each service representative.
intelligent answering. Coordination of an incoming call
with a computer display of information about the call.
CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows can use telephony
data, such as ANI and DNIS, to provide intelligent
answering for incoming calls.
service representative. Synonym for agent.
LAN. Local area network.
session. A logical connection between a workstation
and a host computer that allows them to communicate
and exchange data. CallPath CallCoordinator for
Windows allows the computer to have multiple sessions
on one or several host computers.
local area network (LAN). A data network located on
the user’s premises which uses serial transmission for
direct data communications among devices, such as
workstations. In a CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows
installation, the workstations, Server(s), Archive, and
SwitchServer/2 all communicate over the LAN. Host
communications may also take place over the LAN.
system administrator. An Individual responsible for
installing, configuring, and managing CallPath
CallCoordinator for Windows.
operating system. Software that controls the execution
telephony. The use or operation of systems for the
of programs on a computer.
transmission of voice or data between separate points.
Operating System/2 (OS/2). An advanced, multitasking
operating system with extensions for supporting host
computer communications, local area networks, and
94 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
Call Log (continued)
notes, adding 65
notes, opening 65
opening 64
ACD (automatic call distribution) 10
Actions pull-down menu 28
Activity window
overflow threshold, setting 80
printing 85
saving 86
settings, specifying
filter 71
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch, for 32
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch, for 33
ROLM 9751 switch, for 34
additional CallCoordinator for Windows features
agent activity status, indicating
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch, for 32
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch, for 33
ROLM 9751 switch, for 34
overflow 80
sort 69
toolbar 82
view 68
answering calls
sorting 69
displaying CallCoordinator for Windows main window
on inbound calls, controlling 20
how to 43
toolbar, setting
how to 82
icons and text 83
icons only 84
Notes feature, using 44
other features, using 44
no toolbar 83
status messages, understanding 43
automatic call distribution (ACD) 10
text only 84
view, setting 68
view, sort, and filter, using together 79
CallCoordinator for Windows
description of
Call Log
using CallCoordinator for Windows 24
using Windows 24
accessing 60
CCWin Call Log window, description of 64
clearing 86
Call Log
coordinated voice and data transfer
intelligent answering
Note Pad
Personal Directory
system directories, access to
help, getting 23
clearing log 86
deleting entry 85
printing 85
saving log 86
data tracked 64
disabling 64
displaying 63
enabling 63
Host Application Transaction files, using
main window
entry, deleting 85
filter, setting
comment line 10
date column 74
how to 71
displaying on inbound calls, controlling 20
menu bar 9, 27, 28, 60
moving 14
pushbuttons 9, 28, 61
screen mode, selecting 17
status messages 10
notes column 78
party column 76
phone number column 77
time column 75
type column 73
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994
CallCoordinator for Windows (continued)
CCWin Personal Directory window (continued)
updating entries 89
pull-down menu, using 11, 12
screen mode, selecting 17
selections, making 11
CCWin Transfer window
calls, transferring
calls and data 47
calls only 48
system messages, displaying 16
windows, closing 14
comment 47
data only 46, 48
windows, managing 14
CallCoordinator for Windows main window
comment line 10
default data, selecting 49
default directory, selecting 50
default host session, selecting 51
default transfer number, selecting 50
how to 46
displaying on inbound calls, controlling 20
help, getting 23
menu bar
defaults, selecting
moving 14
data 49
pull-down menu, using 11, 12
directory 50
host session 51
screen mode, selecting 17
selections, making
transfer number 50
directory, refreshing 51
Personal Directory entry, updating 51
comment line 10
using keyboard 12
using mouse 11
status messages 10
CCWin Conference window
three-way conference call, setting up
calls and data 54
conference calls 53
See also three-way conference calls, setting up
control key combinations 12
coordinated voice and data transfer
calls only 53
comment, transferring 54
default data, selecting 56
default directory, selecting 56
default host session, selecting 57
default transfer number, selecting 57
how to 53
data, transferring 48
default data, selecting 49, 56
default directory, selecting 50, 56
default host session, selecting 51, 57
default transfer and conference number
description of 50, 57
transfer defaults, selecting
data 56
directory 56
selecting 50, 57
host session 57
dial pad
transfer number 57
description of 35
CCWin Dial Pad window
dial pad, keeping open 36
dialing a number 35
directory, refreshing 38
directory, searching 36
directory, selecting 37
HAT table, selecting 39
making calls 35
keeping open 36
using 35
CCWin Conference window, using with 56
CCWin Dial Pad window, using with 37
CCWin Transfer window, using with 50
default transfer number, using with 50, 57
personal 2, 87
other features, using 41
CCWin Notes window 42
CCWin Personal Directory window
adding entries 88
refreshing 38, 51, 58
searching 36
CCWin Dial Pad window, from 36
system 3, 50, 56
removing entries 90
96 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
displaying CallCoordinator for Windows main window on
inbound calls, controlling 20
Notes feature
CCWin Notes window 42, 44
using 41, 44
Features pull-down menu 61
Personal Directory
accessing 60
call transfer, using with 50
creating 88
description of 87
dial pad, using with 37
entries, adding 88
HAT (Host Application Transaction) file
See Host Application Transaction (HAT) file
help information
from CallCoordinator for Windows 23
from system administrator 23
Host Application Transaction (HAT) file
CCWin Run HAT window, using 40
description of 5, 39
entries, removing 90
entries, updating
CCWin Conference window, from 58
CCWin Dial Pad window, from 39
CCWin Personal Directory window, from 89
CCWin Transfer window, from 51
searching 36
selecting 40
intelligent answering
CCWin Dial Pad window, from 36
three-way conference call, using with 56
pull-down menu, opening
using keyboard 12
LAN (local area network)
line, selecting 26
local area network (LAN)
logging on to switch
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch 30
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch 31
Logon/Logoff window
using mouse 11
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 switch, for 30
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 switch, for 31
screen mode
button with text, setting 18
buttons only, setting 18
description of 17
icons only, setting 17
setting 19
making calls
CCWin Dial Pad window 35
CCWin Run HAT window 40
dial pad, keeping open 36
dialing a number, how to 35
directory, selecting 37, 38
HAT table, selecting 5, 39
how to 35
Notes feature, using 41
other features, using 41
status messages, understanding 36
Set Color window 22
Settings pull-down menu 9, 16
status messages
icons, and 10
multiple lines, and 10
Set Color window 22
telephone icons, setting colors for 21
Activity window 32
agent activity status, indicating 32
Index 97
switches (continued)
transferring calls (continued)
defaults, selecting
data 49
AT&T DEFINITY Generic 3 (continued)
logging on to 30
Login/Logoff window 30
Northern Telecom Meridian 1
Activity window 33
directory 50
host session 51
transfer number 46
directory, refreshing 51
how to 46
agent activity status, indicating 31
logging on to 31
Login/Logoff window 31
ROLM 9751
Activity window 34
agent activity status, indicating 34
system administrator
HAT file, implementing 6, 39
help, getting 23
intelligent answering, implementing
system directory, implementing
system directory
description of 3, 37
searching 36
CCWin Dial Pad window, from 36
selecting 37, 50, 57
system messages, displaying 16
telephone features 28
menu bar, using 28, 61
pushbuttons, using 28, 61
three-way conference calls, setting up
calls and data, transferring 53
calls only, transferring 53
CCWin Conference window, description of 53
comment, transferring 54
defaults, selecting
data 56
directory 56
host session 57
transfer number 57
directory, refreshing 58
how to 53
Personal Directory entry, updating 39, 58
transferring calls
calls and data 47
calls only 46
CCWin Transfer window, description of 46
comment 47
data only 46
98 CallPath CallCoordinator for Windows: User’s Guide
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