Hasbro Games Kacheek User Manual

AGES 8+  
70123/70121 Asst.  
DATE: Using the TWIST CONTROLLER, scroll UP through the year digits.  
Click ENTER when it is correct. Next the month will appear, use the TWIST  
CONTROLLER to scroll UP through the months. Click ENTER when it is correct.  
Use the same method to alter the day and click ENTER when it is correct. If you  
change your mind, press the CANCEL button to back up.  
NAME: Decide what you want to name your Neopet and write the name by  
scrolling UP or DOWN on each letter. You can delete a previous character by  
pressing the CANCEL button. Click ENTER when it is correct. Click ENTER twice  
when the name is complete. If you do not input any letters or numbers for a  
name, you will not be able to continue to the next set up stage.  
GENDER: Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to scroll to either MALE or FEMALE  
and click ENTER when your preference is highlighted.  
scroll through all the different options until you reach the hobby you want for your  
Neopet, and then click ENTER to select.  
through all the different options until you reach the personality you want for your  
Neopet, and then click ENTER to select.  
The screen will then run through all of the decisions you have made and then  
enter the actual game. "Welcome to Neopia!" will then scroll across the screen  
followed by your adopted Neopet’s name. You will automatically begin with  
500 Neopoints in your bank.  
© 2003 NeoPets, Inc.  
Thank you for purchasing a Neopets™ NeoPen™. Each NeoPen is a functional ink  
pen that features a built-in electronic LCD screen. The screen on your NeoPen holds  
six fun and exciting games, and is filled with an entertaining array of Kacheek  
To navigate through the game, use the control icons that can be accessed by  
twisting the controller UP or DOWN and then click ENTER to confirm your selection.  
To choose from all of the different things you can do with your Neopet, you first need  
to know what the different icons mean. These will allow you to control what you and  
your Neopet do, and when you do it.  
Magical adventures await inside your NeoPen. In addition to featuring six new and  
exciting games, each NeoPen comes with an electronic calendar, calculator, clock  
and notepad! That's not all, though... you'll also receive a 3-D mini figure of your  
Neopet, which you can play with in any of the Pocket Neopet Worlds, and a bonus roll  
of Kacheek and Neopet stickers!  
View your Neopet’s bio (Name, Species, Gender,  
Likes To Do, Greeting Type, etc.).  
Includes 1 x 3.0V "CR2032" lithium battery. Phillips/ cross head screwdriver (not  
included) needed to replace battery.  
View your Neopet’s Health, Happiness, and  
Intelligence levels.  
View what stage your Neopet has reached in each game.  
Select different food Items to feed your Neopet.  
View and select to use your stored Items here.  
Lets you take your Neopet to the doctor when it’s sick.  
Lets you play games.  
Enter Clicker  
Reset Button  
Lets you buy food, toys, and Petpets™ for your Neopet.  
Lets you check your Neopoint® balance.  
Lets you put your Neopet to rest, or wake it up.  
Controller –  
Keys (up, down,  
left and right)  
Your goals within the game include winning trophies and reaching the highest  
Health, Happiness, and Intelligence levels possible. These goals can be achieved  
many different ways, most notably by playing games and earning Neopoints, which  
afford you a number of options, including the ability to buy cool Items for your  
Neopet. Using these Items will affect the Health, Happiness, and Intelligence levels  
of your Neopet.  
Pen Nib  
You can view your Neopet’s profile here. Scroll through all the different bio  
information of your Neopet (Name, Age, Gender, Likes To Do, Greeting,  
Strength, Defense, Movement, Height, Weight). Simply twist the controller to  
the RIGHT or LEFT to scroll through the information.  
Enter Clicker  
This book is designed as your Quick Reference Guide. Here you will be able  
to check the status of your Neopet’s Health, Happiness, and Intelligence  
levels. These levels are affected by how you play with, and how you treat  
your Neopet. Feeding and sleeping on time makes your Neopet’s Health,  
Happiness, and Intelligence levels go up. A Petpet or Toys can increase your  
Neopet’s Happiness, and Intelligence.  
Lack of sleep, feeding, and interaction (toys and Petpets) will make your  
Neopet’s levels drop and may cause your Neopet to leave you.  
This will tell you how many trophies you have obtained, if any, as well as the  
highest score and level reached thus far.  
To set up your NeoPen properly, please go through the following actions:  
Make sure the LCD screen is working correctly, if not, please reference the battery  
replacement section to verify that the batteries were installed properly.  
You can earn trophies in all six games! When a trophy is attained by the  
efforts of the player, it is displayed on the trophy screen.  
Using the TWIST CONTROLLER, scroll UP and DOWN to take the toy out of  
TRY ME mode.  
In order to earn a trophy, you must complete the hardest level of each game.  
The scoring for each game is different. When a score is reached that beats  
the target score for that level, a new level will be unlocked and when the  
hardest level is complete the trophy will be awarded. The goal score  
breakdowns for each game are located in the game descriptions section of  
this book.  
TIME: Again, using the TWIST CONTROLLER, scroll UP through the hour digits.  
Click ENTER when it is correct. Next the minutes digits will flash, using the  
TWIST CONTROLLER, scroll UP through the minutes digits. Click ENTER when  
it is correct. To select a.m. or p.m., use the TWIST CONTROLLER to scroll UP  
and click ENTER when it is correct. If you change your mind, press CANCEL to  
back up.  
There are six different games to play, all with three levels of difficulty  
(Easy, Medium and Hard).  
You must remember to feed your Neopet three times a day. You will need to  
purchase the food Items from the food store, which will automatically store  
the Items in your Neopet’s Burlap Sack. You can access the food directly by  
pressing ENTER when the FOOD icon is highlighted. This will take you to  
the list of your food Items that you have purchased.  
This Elephante has entered a Fetch competition with his  
Puppyblew Petpet. The Puppyblew loves to chase  
peanuts from the Elephante’s trunk! They work as a team  
to score the most points: the Elephante throws a peanut  
as far as he can, and the Puppyblew races as fast as  
possible, jumping and flipping to catch the peanut.  
Using the TWIST CONTROLLER to scroll UP and DOWN, choose a food  
Item from the list that you want to feed and click ENTER. You will be asked  
"FEED NOW?" and given the options "YES" or "NO." If "YES" is selected,  
you will see the icon for that Item flashing and then the animation of your  
Neopet eating, followed by a gratifying phrase.  
Start by shooting the peanut out of the Elephante’s trunk. The power up bar  
automatically moves up and down. Press ENTER to select the power and throw.  
Your Neopet likes to eat regularly, every day at: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.,  
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. At these times, you should  
select the food icon to feed your Neopet.  
Now help the Puppyblew chase the peanut down by using the TWIST  
CONTROLLER. Twist LEFT and RIGHT to move the Puppyblew forward on the  
screen and stay under the shadow of the peanut.  
If you feed your Neopet on time, you will receive 50 Health points for healthy  
food, or 50 Happiness points for treats.  
To avoid the obstacles, make the Puppyblew jump by using one of the following  
Caution: Don’t overfeed your Neopet! Extra food does not add any more  
health, but will still make your Neopet gain weight! Extra treats will add 10  
Happiness points but will also add more weight, which will make he/she  
lose 30 Health points.  
Twist Left + Click + Twist Right = Front Flip  
Twist Right + Click + Twist Left = Back Flip  
Click + Twist Right = Straight Jump  
Twist Left + Twist Right + Twist Left + Twist Right + Click = Double Front Flip  
Twist Right + Twist Left + Twist Right + Twist Left + Click = Double Back Flip  
Tip: If you feed your Neopet after Hint time, you only get half the points.  
Tip: If you do not feed your Neopet at all, he/she will lose 40 Health points  
and 30 Happiness points, and will lose weight.  
Your score is based on the distance thrown, the number of obstacles you jump  
over and bonus points for style. Your score for the game is your best score from  
three attempts.  
This is where all the Items you have purchased are stored while you are not  
using them. You will be able to view all of your Items that have been saved.  
The sack will hold a maximum of 10 Items at a time. If you buy an Item, it  
will remain in the sack until you use it.  
To use an Item in your sack: Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to scroll UP  
and DOWN through the Items and click ENTER. You will be asked "DO YOU  
WANT TO PLAY THIS?" or "FEED NOW?" and given two options: "YES" or  
"NO." Highlight your selection and click ENTER. If the sack gets too full, you  
will have to discard one of those Items that are not absolutely necessary.  
East to Medium – Accumulate at least 2000 NP in this level  
Medium to Hard – Accumulate at least 3000 NP in this level  
Hard to Trophy – Accumulate at least 4000 NP in this level  
Dr. Sloth has stored all the ingredients to make his  
In addition to being fun for your Neopet, shopping is essential for your  
Neopet’s health, wellbeing, and personality. There are three shops you can  
visit in this game: the Food Shop, Toy Shop and the Petpet Shop. Each  
shop contains different Items that vary every time you enter, as well as by  
price (Neopoints).  
Transmogrification potions in a mysterious old evil laboratory full of  
nasty Korbats and Spyders. Your mission is to go in there, armed  
with your trusty bat, and foil Sloth’s evil plans by smashing up as  
many boxes as possible! When the potion bottles drop, pick them  
up… you never know what will happen!  
Enter the Shopping mode and scroll through the different shop names.  
When you have decided which shop you want to go into, click ENTER.  
Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to move your bat LEFT or RIGHT,  
and then click ENTER to release the ball! Your goal is to hit the ball  
into the boxes and destroy them, then collect the potions that fall  
from the broken boxes. Make sure that the ball doesn’t go off the  
bottom of the screen, and watch out for the Korbats and Spyders.  
When you choose the Food Shop, a list of various foods available for you to  
purchase and their cost in Neopoints will be displayed. Use the TWIST  
CONTROLLER to scroll UP and DOWN to choose an Item that you want to  
buy, and click ENTER. The screen will say "BUY NOW?" Click ENTER to  
confirm your selection. The screen will then say "FOOD HAS BEEN  
Power Up Icons  
Increases the size of your bat.  
Decreases the size of your bat.  
Click ENTER to launch a guided missile.  
Releases a fiery comet that breaks all the boxes in its path.  
Treasure Bag Gives you Bonus Neopoints.  
When you choose the Toy Shop, a list of toys available to purchase will be  
displayed. There will be three toys to choose from per day, all at different  
prices. When you choose the name of the toy you want, use the TWIST  
CONTROLLER to scroll UP and DOWN, click ENTER and you will see the  
price of the toy you selected in Neopoints (NP). You will then be asked "BUY  
NOW?" Click ENTER to confirm your selection. To play with your toy, select  
the Burlap Sack, and select the toy that you want your Neopet to play with.  
The image of the toy will flash alternatively with a 1, 2 or 3 depending on  
how many times the toy has been played with.  
Extra Life  
Catch to add an extra life.  
Lose a life.  
Power Ups Caught  
Boxes Smashed  
40 NP  
50 NP  
60 NP  
NOTE: Toys will disappear after being used three times so that you can buy  
more toys for your Neopet.  
Easy to Medium – Accumulate at least 2000 NP in this level  
Medium to Hard – Accumulate at least 3000 NP in this level  
Hard to Trophy – Accumulate at least 4000 NP in this level  
When you choose the Petpet™ Shop, a list of various Petpets available  
for you to purchase will be displayed. Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to  
scroll UP and DOWN to browse the selection and click ENTER. The screen  
will say "BUY NOW?" Click ENTER to confirm your selection. Once you  
have purchased a Petpet you will see an image of it and then the text:  
Mika and Carassa are at it again, cleaning the attic and searching  
through old bric-a-brac to find more stuff for their Garage Sale. Help  
Mika catch the items, but be sure not to drop any!  
To play with your Petpet, select the Burlap Sack icon and scroll through the  
Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to move Mika LEFT and RIGHT and  
pick up the items that Carassa throws down the screen, and click  
ENTER to jump UP.  
NOTE: If you do not have enough Neopoints in the Bank to purchase Items,  
logo will flash and you will hear a warning sound.  
Be careful not to break anything - if you drop five items in any one  
level its GAME OVER! Also, don’t try to catch the piano… it’s too  
heavy and will squash you flat!  
This is the place to visit if your Neopet is sick. Enter into the Hospital, and if  
your Neopet is sick a message will appear with a prognosis of what your  
Neopet’s ailment is. A message will then appear telling you what type of  
medicine your Neopet needs to feel better, and its price in Neopoints. You  
will be asked if you want to buy the medicine, "YES" or "NO." If you select  
"YES," the medicine will be given to your Neopet immediately and you can  
consider him/her cured. Please note that you will lose Neopoints for every  
day your Neopet is left untreated. On the contrary, if you try to enter the  
hospital when your pet is healthy, you will be given the all clear and  
automatically sent back to normal mode.  
Candy cane  
Glubgar the Tyrannian Scorchio has ventured a bit too  
deeply into a rather large volcano… the lava is so hot  
here that even Scorchios cannot survive! See how far  
through the tunnels you can guide Glubgar.  
3 NP  
1 NP  
10 NP  
2 NP  
5 NP  
Smashes you flat!  
Slows you down  
6 NP  
2 NP  
20 NP  
4 NP  
10 NP  
9 NP  
3 NP  
30 NP  
6 NP  
20 NP  
Twist the TWIST CONTROLLER to the LEFT to fly  
upwards, and release to go downwards. If you click ENTER, Glubgar will use his  
wings to brake. Avoid the fiery bombs that fly towards you, and try not to crash into  
the walls of the tunnel or the rocks.  
Collect the crystals for extra points, and the force shield will allow you to crash into a  
rock without dying. If you hit a cloud it will slow you down for a few seconds. Good luck!  
Obstacles and Power Up Icons  
Easy to Medium – Accumulate at least 2000 NP in this level  
Medium to Hard – Accumulate at least 3000 NP in this level  
Hard to Trophy – Accumulate at least 4000 NP in this level  
Pick these up for Neopoints.  
Avoid these!  
Don't crash into these!  
Force Shield  
Power up blocks one fireball or rock hit.  
Fly around the canyons of Tyrannia, shooting evil Pteradactyls and  
Grarrls. There are three weapons to collect, and each one can be  
upgraded multiple times. Good luck!  
Click ENTER to fire!  
Bonus Gems Distance Traveled  
5 NP  
10 NP  
15 NP  
1 NP  
2 NP  
3 NP  
Click and hold ENTER to zoom forward on the screen.  
Easy to Medium – Accumulate at least 2000 NP in this level  
Medium to Hard – Accumulate at least 3000 NP in this level  
Hard to Trophy – Accumulate at least 4000 NP in this level  
Launcher Types  
Basic Launcher  
Pteri Shooter  
Rainbow Gun  
Types of Evil Pteradactyls  
This is where you can check your Neopoint balance after playing lots of  
games or after a big spending spree. Select the icon by clicking ENTER  
and you will see your balance. Click ENTER again to get back to the  
main screen.  
Slow witted enemy flies straight at you!  
Enemy zig-zags while he attacks!  
May ambush you from the sides!  
A Neopet’s bedtime is generally around 9:00 p.m. If their bedtime is missed,  
they may lose Happiness points. Simply click ENTER when the BED icon is  
highlighted and the lights in the screen will go out and your Neopet will start  
to sleep. Neopets need to wake up around 7:00 a.m.; any earlier and they  
become grouchy and lose Happiness and Intelligence points. To wake your  
Neopet up in the morning, select the BED icon again by clicking ENTER  
when it is highlighted.  
Enemies Destroyed  
3 NP  
6 NP  
9 NP  
Easy to Medium – Accumulate at least 2000 NP in this level  
Medium to Hard – Accumulate at least 3000 NP in this level  
Hard to Trophy – Accumulate at least 4000 NP in this level  
Using the TWIST CONTROLLER, scroll UP or DOWN through the 0-9 digits,  
the decimal point (.), math functions (+, -, *, /), and =. Once your problem has  
been inputted and you have entered the = sign, the answer will appear. Click  
CANCEL to clear the answer and start over. Press CANCEL again to go back.  
Patrol the border of NPZ 6b, and prevent unauthorized  
entry into the territory. Use the specially designed Wocky  
Tank to destroy any and all invaders.  
Using the TWIST CONTROLLER, scroll UP or DOWN through NOTE #1  
to 5. Click ENTER to select. The contents of your NOTE will scroll across  
the screen. Click ENTER again to return. While the NOTE is scrolling, click  
and hold down ENTER to edit the NOTE. Using the TWIST CONTROLLER,  
use UP or DOWN to scroll through the letters A-Z. Click ENTER to select a  
letter and add it to the current NOTES. Press ENTER twice to complete.  
Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to move your tank  
LEFT and RIGHT, and click ENTER to fire your weapon.  
Zap the enemy lieutenants and UFO’s to get special  
Power Up Icons  
To change the TIME & DATE, just enter the CLOCK mode and alter to your  
Extra Shield  
Faster Tank  
Smaller Tank  
Larger Tank  
Slower Tank  
Absorbs one hit.  
Moves left/right faster.  
Shrinks your tank for defensive bonus.  
Avoid this dangerous power up.  
Avoid this dangerous power up.  
Shoot all invaders to advance.  
To set an alarm, alter the screen contrast, turn the sound on or off, or view  
or alter the names of your Neopets, click and hold ENTER when you are in  
downtime mode. Use the TWIST CONTROLLER to scroll through the  
following options:  
Power up Invader Shoot these invaders to release power ups.  
Special Invader Shoot this boss invader for extra points.  
Press ENTER when this option is highlighted and you will be presented with  
two options (ON/OFF); toggle right to select ON, and set the time you want  
the alarm to go off. Press ENTER when the time is correct and the screen  
will ask you INPUT MESSAGE. Type in a message such as "Wake up" (Max  
15 letters) and press ENTER to set. To change the time or message, just go  
back into the ALARM mode and alter accordingly.  
Enemy Invaders  
Special Invader  
5 NP  
1 NP  
2 NP  
3 NP  
10 NP  
15 NP  
Enter this mode to select from 5 different levels of screen contrast.  
Easy to Medium – Accumulate at least 2000 NP in this level  
Medium to Hard – Accumulate at least 3000 NP in this level  
Hard to Trophy – Accumulate at least 4000 NP in this level  
Select this mode to turn the sound ON or OFF. Click ENTER to confirm.  
Select this mode to alter the name of your Neopet. Click ENTER to confirm.  
6. Should this product cause, or be affected by, local electrical interference,  
move it away from other electrical equipment. Reset (switching off and  
back on again or removing and re-inserting batteries) if necessary.  
The game will tell you when there is a special day in the Neopian calendar,  
as well as the details of a special day in Neopia®. When you wake your  
Neopet up on that day, you can scroll through the whole calendar in  
this mode.  
7. RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES: Do not mix these with any other types of  
batteries. Always remove from the product before recharging. Recharge  
batteries under adult supervision. DO NOT RECHARGE OTHER TYPES  
Upon entering the Phone List, the screen will show the contact names.  
Press ENTER to select a particular name.  
Choose from one of three options: VIEW, EDIT, and CALL REMINDER.  
Select VIEW to show the contact name and phone number. Select EDIT to  
edit the contact name and phone number. Select CALL REMINDER to set  
time to remind the call. While the phone number is scrolling, click and hold  
down ENTER to edit the phone number. Using the TWIST CONTROLLER,  
use LEFT or RIGHT to scroll through the letters A-Z and the numbers 0-9.  
Click ENTER to select a letter and add it to the current phone number. Press  
ENTER twice to complete.  
8. As with all small items, these batteries should be kept away from  
children. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions:  
Everyday there is a surprise in Neopia®! You will randomly get anywhere  
from 50 to 5000 BONUS Neopoints, which are saved directly to your Bank.  
But, be careful! From time to time, the Pant Devil is known to steal Items  
from Burlap Sacks. You must be on guard!  
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and  
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation.  
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a  
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a  
residential installation.  
If you do not take care of your Neopet and do not feed it for fourteen days, it will give  
you three warnings that it is going to leave you. On the third warning an animation of  
the character walking away will appear on the screen and the screen will say: "Time  
to create a new pet!"  
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if  
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or  
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and  
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the  
following measures:  
When the batteries are almost completely gone, you will see an empty  
battery icon appear. The game will stop functioning and you must  
change the batteries.  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
If you do not change the batteries at this point, the unit will turn off the LCD screen  
and it will not respond to any key depression (other than reset). You only have one  
minute from removing the old one to replace with the new one, otherwise all  
information (e.g., current status of game, trophies, levels, etc.) will be erased and you  
will have to begin the game again.  
First, slide the "Battery Door" key to open.  
1. Unscrew the battery cover on the back of  
the unit.  
Please note, games cannot be played while pen nib is exposed.  
To use only the pen for writing purposes, please push the end of the pen in and  
twist clockwise. The pen nib will be exposed and lock into place so that you can  
begin writing.  
2. Remove the 1 x 1.5V "CR2032" battery.  
3. Insert a new 1 x 1.5V "CR2032" battery.  
4. Replace battery cover and tighten screw.  
Slide the "Battery Door" key to close.  
1.5V "CR2032"  
Your Neopets NeoPen comes with a refill ink  
cartridge. To discard the current empty ink  
cartridge, simply push the end of the pen in  
and twist counterclockwise. The end of the  
pen will come off.  
Remove the existing ink cartridge  
and discard. Make sure not to lose  
the spring coil inside.  
1. As with all small batteries, the batteries used with this toy should be kept  
away from small children who still put things in their mouths. If they are  
swallowed, promptly see a doctor and, in the U.S., have the doctor  
phone (202) 625-3333 collect, or, in Canada, have the doctor call your  
provincial Poison Control Centre.  
2. Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly and always follow the toy  
and battery manufacturers' instructions;  
Insert the refill ink cartridge, nib end  
down into the pen.  
Reattach the end of the pen by  
pushing it back into the pen and  
twist it clockwise until it is secure.  
Repeat the first step to expose the  
pen nib for writing.  
If you lose these instructions, you can find them online at  
Please retain this information for future reference.  
Not suitable for children under 3 years  
because of small parts - choking hazard.  
Batteries should be replaced by an adult.  
1. Always follow the instructions carefully. Use only batteries specified and  
be sure to insert item correctly by matching the + and – polarity  
2. Do not mix old batteries and new batteries or standard (carbon-zinc)  
with alkaline batteries.  
®* and/or TM* & © 2003 Hasbro.  
All Rights Reserved.  
3. Remove exhausted or dead batteries from the product.  
4. Remove batteries if product is not to be played with for a long time.  
5. Do not short-circuit the supply terminals.  
® denotes Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Office.  
NEOPETS, and all characters, logos, names and  
related indicia are trademarks of NeoPets, Inc., © 2004.  
70123/70121 Asst.  
P/N 6317380000  
All rights reserved. Used with permission.  
® denotes Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Office.  

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